Federation of the Southern Coast: Difference between revisions

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After the great war in 1920, a rebuilding took place. With assistance from their once colonial overlords, socialist party enacted several sweeping policies that guaranteed basic requirements for modern civilized life. The "Bill of Workers’ Rights" provided quality housing, food, healthcare, education, jobs and equality for all. More recently in 2016 internet access was added to the bill of social rights. If the bill is violated in some way such as housing quality isn’t up to the government regulations then an individual could sue the government for the failure.
=== Great Unification War (1898-1920) ===
=== Creation of the Federation (1920) ===
=== Development and Progress Era (1921-1940) ===
=== Renewed Hostiles with Vistaraland and expansion of Cultural autonomy (1940-1950s) ===
=== Fridge Foreign Policy, Urban and Rural Renewal campaign (1960s-1984) ===
=== Economic Expansion, Militarism, the International Question and Guilder Strait Conflict (1985-1999) ===
=== Nyørn Insurrection, Ymirland Civil War, Redress Election and the creation of the RCEU (2000- On going) ===
== Demographics ==
Administrators, verified
