Federation of the Southern Coast: Difference between revisions

(thanks Tret)
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=== Prehistory ===
=== VikingUlvrikian ColonizationEmpire Invasion ===
==== AssimilationLapérouse Providence ====
=== Queendom of Lapérouse ===
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The Queendom of Lapérouse was a large queendom that existed from 502 to 1920, ended by the Monarcho-Socialists during the civil war. It was initially led by the Uvlantor dynasty based in Caenfjord in 502 and through conquest of the region. Then was taken over by the short-lived of Ivorkian dynasty and finally sized by the Frida dynasty in 994 which ruled until the end of the Queendom in 1920. The Queendom was noted for tolerance, primary due to the history of being a extremely diverse and hard to control region. During the Ulvriktru Wars in 1770, the Queen Hjørd Frida formed the [[Hjørdist Gustafism]] branch of Gustafistisc-[[Ulvriktru]] and seperate of the mainstream Orthodox Gustafism. The Queendom of extremely matriarchal towards Ulvrikians but was flexible towards its other religious inhabitants. The Queendom religious tolerance different depending on the dynasty, with Uvlantor and Ivorkian dynasty being hostile towards non-Ulvriktru but the Frida dynasty was renown for its more flexible policy.
==== Uvlantor Dynasty (502-962) ====
===== Founding of the Queendom =====
In 502 AD, the Queendom of Lapérouse was founded by Vivian Uvlantor the Thrallmaster after her conquest of the Ulvriktru Jarldoms near her own Jarldom of Caenfjord. The queen declare her Queendom after the battle of Helpeek, where she drove the Jarlynja Trine Molstad forces off a cliff and captured the Jarlynia's daughter forcing her to pledge loyalty to queen in exchange for her life. The queen declaration did not go unchallenged as she was forced to fight her cousins and rebelling vassals.
===== Burning of Batkong =====
In 902 AD, the Queendom largest port city of Batkong was sacked and burned by alliance of Ny'Sænuri clans seeking retribution for the Queendom slave trading. Which enslaved primarily [[Akuanism|Akuanists]] from the coastal cities and mountains. Batkong acted as the center for the thrall trade within the region, and held a vacation castle for the royal family. The Ny'Sænuri sneaked into the castle by pretending to be servants to the royal family, later massacring the everyone in the castle including the princess of the Queendom and later moved to burn the city outright. Hanging every Ulvrikian within the thrall market and freed the thralls.
===== Civil War (953-962) =====
Uvlantor dynasty faced heavy resistance for their weakness, for many reasons such as the burning of the Batkong, death of a popular princess and dozens of other faults. Ending with the short lived Ivorkian dynasty seizing control of the throne.
==== Ivorkian Dynasty (968-994) ====
=== Frida Dynasty (994-1920) ===
=== Lapérouse-Norgsveltian Empire ===
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==== [[Hjørdist Gustafism]] Reformation ====
==== LapérouseSauvageon Revolution ====
The Lapérouse Revolution of 1792 was a peasant backed revolution caused by ethnic and religious tensions; Economic inequality and inability to reform to counter the rising issues within the Queendom. The Revolution aimed to create a secular presidential republic and remove aristocratic rule of the country. It was ended after political reform act of 1789 and with assistance from the [[Norgsveldet]] after agreeing to a personal union between the two states.
===== Norgsveltian Intervention and Personal Union =====
Fearing that the would spread revolution spreading and wanting to ensure the stability of its ally. Gustaf the II sent a strong military force to assist with putting down the revolution. However the King of [[Norgsveldet]], Gustaf the II required his cousin to be married to the princess of the queen. Creating a shaky personal union between the two monarchies. The Côtois nobility saw the requirement as a act of betrayal from their ally causing further tensions.
==== BreakingEnd of the Personal Union ====
In 1880, the 95 year long personal union was end with the Queendom being free of [[Norgsveldet|Norgsveltian]] interference.
Administrators, verified
