Federation of the Southern Coast: Difference between revisions

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'''Colline''' - Mountain Tieflings, worshipers of Duarism. Hardy and hardworking, humble. Shys away from prestige/wealth focusing more on the local family/village unit. Rather than keeping their wages to themselves they often give it all to the village. As the Colline saying goes "Village provides and we provide for the village." Arrived in the 700's.
'''Ceux Marqués''' - Highly aggressive and territorial Tiefling minatory. Honorable-Warrior culture was formally nomadic but settled down on conquered territory. Martial Arts is considered to nearly religious. Settled in the 900's. Converted to the [[Church of Xaethos]] in the early 1670s. Known to be extremely religious, often coming into conflict with the far more secular government.
== Political Structure ==
Administrators, verified
