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=== Rochefort model ===
The Rochefort model is the primary economic model for the Federation and other nations such as Ymirland. The Rochefort model was named after the first economic minister of the Federation who invented the model alongside the first prime minister of the Federation, Morél Pepin. Bastien Rochefort, stated goal with the model was to create a system where the workers will eventually be able to buy the company outright and form Socialist cooperatives.
The model requires everyone outside of elective officials to be in a union. While the model requires infrastructure and 'life necessary' products to be either state owned or in the case of life necessary products to be cooperatives. Luxury goods such as cars, entertainment products and other such things, are free to be owned by capitalist entities.
The capitalist entities are required to be publicly held and listed on the Côtois stock exchange. The company is required to give the minimum amount of share to a new hire. The company is also required to sell stock at a discounted price to employees with the exception of members on the board and the ceo. The model strictly outlines that at least three workers and one union representative sit on the board of the company.
The original idea for the model is when workers retire they sell their discounted stock or donate it to the union. Slowly letting the union gather more shares in the company until they can control the company outright. However the company usually offers to buy the stock at market value. Usually resulting in a bidding war between the union and the company to buy the shares from the retired worker, with the company usually winning the bidding war.
The model also directly incentives automation for companies. Jobs lost due to automation are considered to be an early retirement. Early retirement due to automation requires the company to not only pay out a year's salary but slightly above market price for shares the worker holds. While the union can make an offer to buy the shares, the increased price often results in the union failing to buy the shares.
The model within the federation has been cited by economists in Norgsveldet as a huge success. Citing the massive growth and diverse Federation economy, increasing living standards, strong worker rights and innovation. Being able to have strong automation while having strong worker regulations.
== Culture and Society ==