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{{WIP}}{{Infobox country|demonym=* Côtois/Côtoise
* (Informal) Fed/Feds|capital=District de la République-Capitale / République C.D|currency=Red Krone, ¥ (RKR)|iso3166code=.SD, FCS|population_estimate=45,000,000|largest_city=Mandagot|image_flag=FedSouthCoast.png|area_km2=541,912.61|conventional_long_name=Crowned Socialist Federation of the Southern Coast|today=|HDI_year=|HDI=|area_rank=|government_type=Constitutional Socialist-Monarchy|legislature=The People's Federal Royal Parliament|date_format=YYYY/MM/DD|established=19001920|largest_settlement=Mandagot|drives_on=Right|time_zone=+2 UTC|religion=[[Akuanism]], [[Ulvriktru]], [[Daurism]], [[Ademarism]] and [[Church of Xaethos]]|native_name=La Fédération de la Côte Sud|motto=For Crown and Worker|royal_anthem=March of the Red Prince|official_languages=Frakanic|national_languages=Keltic, Vaaran, [[Wikipedia: Norwegian language|Norgsveltian]] and [[Nys'tat'en]]|leader_title1=[[wikipedia:King|King]]|leader_name1=[[Olav]]|leader_title2=[[wikipedia:Prime minister| Federal Prime minister]]|leader_name2=[[Jeanne Pierre]]|national_motto=Pour la Couronne et le Travailleur|GDP_nominal=* ♅1,800,000,000,000 <br />
* ¥180,000,000,000,000|GDP_nominal_per_capita=* ♅40,000 <br />
* ¥4,000,000|ethnic_groups=* Normans
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* Colline
* Ceux Marques
* Goidelik|image_map=FedSoCawikimap.png|calling_code=+659|upper_house=Federal House of Regional Representatives|lower_house=Federal House of the Workers.|established_event1=End of the Great Unification Wars|established_date1=16/7/1920}}'''Southern Coast''', officially the '''Crowned Socialist''' '''Federation of the Southern Coast''', is a sea bordering country in the Far Western Yasteria. The Federation is bordered by [[Helslandr]], [[Nakosa]], [[Statisland]], [[Letollia]] and [[Vistaraland]]. The geography is dominated by the mountain range in the north and flat plains coastal regions to the south, with a large lake in the western region of the country. The climate is primary oceanic with semi-arid around the great lake. Southern Coast has a population of over 45 million.
The population is majority young and growing, primary around the new urban centers that sprawl across the republics. Primary principal language is Frakanic, with minor exceptions of Normand Republic being Norgsveltian and Iresea Republic. It's noted that [[Nys'tat'en]] use as a language has been steadily increasing in many of the republics due to the increasing amount of refugees from [[Nystatiszna]] that has arrived. The region is home to eight ethnicities many of them with grieves with the other. The Federation itself is made up of eleven republics, two autonomous territories and a city-state, that have a wide variety of autonomy. The Norgsvelten monarchy serves as the ceremonial head of state of the federation with much the day-to-day responsibilities being given to The People's Federal Royal Parliament which as the main legislature of the government. The Prime Minister acts as the de-facto head of the Federation but not the head of the Democratic Socialist Party. The recent election of [[Jeanne Pierre]] an outspoken anti-Vistaraland and zero tolerance for non-federal approved militias has caused much controversy with her critics stating she's acting overly war hawkish.
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In 1898 the republics gained their independence and the ethic tensions that have been building up erupted. Violence swept across the republics as state backed and non-state backed militias clashed, committing acts of genocide. Nearly all state institutes collapsed, plague and famine struck the region. The situation rapidly became more and more desperate as time went on. The only non-ethnic, non-religious and non-species based group in the former republics was the democratic Monarchist Socialists. They desired to create a Socialist Federation and unite the republics under the banner of socialism and crown. They focus on pushing equality, social justice and pointed towards the stability of having monarchy as a unifying force. However by the time of the great war, they only controlled a small sector of land (that's currently known as the Republique C.D. in current times) and an airfield. The Socialist Federation dream was finally achieved when Norgsveldet backed the Socialists with air power, military equipment, food and medical supplies. Food and medicine being the most important as only the socialists could provide it at large scale for the general population. Building much public support from the acts of charity as well ending the famines and plagues in the regions they held. After the socialist victory, a Norgsvelden royal figure championed the Federation and took care of each republic's major social issues personally. Holding court and settling ethnic disputes that was ongoing for hundreds of years. Forever keeping the view of the monarchy in a positive memory.
The socialist Federation maintains a democratic parliament government framework, with handful of exceptions for certain republics and territories. With a heavily centralized-Worker planning economy however still keeps a Monarchy as a figurehead of the government.
After the great war in 1920, a rebuilding took place. With assistance from their once colonial overlords, socialist party enacted several sweeping policies that guaranteed basic requirements for modern civilized life. The "Bill of Workers’ Rights" provided quality housing, food, healthcare, education, jobs and equality for all. More recently in 2016 internet access was added to the bill of social rights. If the bill is violated in some way such as housing quality isn’t up to the government regulations then an individual could sue the government for the failure.
=== Great Unification WarWars (1898-1920) ===
==== Independence from [[Norgsveldet]] ====
===== Failures of Norgsveltian Officials =====
===== Poorly Design States =====
===== Monarcho-Socialist State of Côtois People =====
==== First Post-Colonial War (1898-1902) ====
===== Ethnic Cleansing =====
===== Political Executions =====
===== Massacres of Kenenshiel City =====
===== Greater Republic of Norsia and Absolute Monarchy of Vikan; Gold-Iron Alliance =====
====== [[Vistaraland|Vistari]] Support of Gold-Iron Alliance ======
==== Second Post-Colonial War (1903-1906) ====
===== Gold-Iron Alliance and the Midlands Expansion =====
===== Ethnic Cleansing of the Midlands and Refugee crisis =====
===== Mid-South Coalition against Gold-Iron Alliance =====
===== Collapse of the Coalition and Gold-Iron Alliance Victory =====
===== Reprisal Killings =====
==== Monarcho-Socialist Unification War (1908-1920) ====
===== [[Norgsveldet|Norgsveltian]] support of the Monarcho-Socialists (1910) =====
===== Southern Front (1908-1910) =====
===== Midland Push (1910-1914) =====
===== Invasion of the Northern (1914-1920) =====
=== Creation of the Federation (1920) ===
Administrators, verified
