Federation of the Southern Coast: Difference between revisions

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After the great war in 1920, a rebuilding took place. With assistance from their once colonial overlords, socialist party enacted several sweeping policies that guaranteed basic requirements for modern civilized life. The "Bill of Workers’ Rights" provided quality housing, food, healthcare, education, jobs and equality for all. More recently in 2016 internet access was added to the bill of social rights. If the bill is violated in some way such as housing quality isn’t up to the government regulations then an individual could sue the government for the failure.
== Demographics ==
With a estimated population of over 45 million people and is the most populous country on the [[Yasteria]] peninsula, Lapérouse.
The Federation of the Southern Coast is considered to be a outlier among developed countries, having a relatively high rate of natural population growth and a fairly young population. The Federation points towards it's extensive family planning services, family leave, universal daycare, and laws requiring parents who are working to be given preferential hours or shifts. However varies groups have pointed at the heavy religious elements through out the republics, such as many devote [[Akuanism|Akuanist]] populations which prizes families and community. While the federal government refuses to recognizes the religious elements or efforts to push family-hood, the republic governments such as Normand released a statement about the religious [[Asatru]] schools. Praising the schools for their promation of traditional Normand values, promotion of family values and high educational marks. This stir up controversy, the Federal government demand the Normand government to retract the statement and citing it as against the constitution and the seculars laws.
=== Ethnicities ===
The Federation has a over a dozen recognized major ethnic groups with subclassifications for each major group. The Federation promotes a multi-cultural socialist brotherhood between the varies groups, sponsoring thousands of events throughout the federation to cross-promote culture between it's republics. Majority of the ethnicities speak Frakanic, '''Normans''' and the '''Goidelik''' speak seperate languages, the Normans speaking [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norwegian_language Norgsveltian] with a small contingent speaking [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Norse Ulvrikian] and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Icelandic_language Eyjarian]. '''Goidelik''' speak the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_language Keltic] language after it almost becoming extinct language in the 1800s. The Federation sponsored language schools and assisted in making it part of the curriculum within the republic of New Goidistberg, the Keltic became widely spoken again by the Goidelikians.
The largest and the plurality of the federation is made up of '''Jardinières''', with the '''Gens Brûlés''', '''Normans''' and the '''Goidelik''' being large part of the population. Collectively they're known as the big four, as collectively they represent 75% of the Federation population.
The little five makes up the rest of the population, '''Ceux Marqués''' being the largest of the little five followed closely by '''Marcheurs Forestiers''' and the '''Colline'''. '''Voyageuses''', '''Nystatinne''' and the '''Noovic''' make up a small but notable part of the federation.
'''Normans''' - Settlers from the Norgesveldet arriving in the early 1600s. Nearly all humans with minor Tieflings & Elves minatories. Worshipers of Astru. Polls high approval for the Monarchy more than any other group.
Administrators, verified
