Federation of the Southern Coast: Difference between revisions

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* (Vodkaniate) [[Akuanism]]: Felica Ny'Tique
* [[Volgerisi]]: Felicitie Fetique}}
'''The Federation of the Southern Coast of Lapérouse''', officially theT'''he''' '''Crowned Socialist Federation of the Southern Coast of Lapérouse''', (more commonly referred to as the'''The Federation''') is a sea bordering country in Far Western [[Yasteria]]. The Federation borders [[Helslandr]], [[Nakosa]] and [[Vistaraland]]. Geographically, the country is diverse with a large mountain range in the Northern-East and plains across the Southern-West, along the coast of Guilder. The climate was primarily oceanic, with semi-arid weather around the lake Serein in the north-east. The Federation has a large young growing population over forty-five million and is settled primarily around the large urban centers across the country. It consists of eleven petite-nations, two theocracies, nine city-states and two autonomous regions. The national capital and principal financial center of the Federation is [[République C.D]] and its most populous city is Batkong.
The country is primarily made up of several twelve major ethnic groups and thirty-four minor ethnic groups. Originally was made up of only four, during the time of the [[Queendom of Lapérouse]] however after the Socialists victory in the civil and unification war. The Federation established several mass immigration programs, starting in the 1930s which greatly changed the demographics of the country, including species, ethnic group, religion and so forth. Becoming extremely multicultural in its nature, often referred by sociologists as a salad bowl. With the only clear plurality being the population being made up of Kemonomimi. Despite the multicultural background of the country, Frakanic remains as the dominant language of the country.
Administrators, verified
