Federation of Bana: Difference between revisions

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|leader_name1 = Arik Rao
|leader_title2 = Federal Premier
|leader_name2 = MakuNinalowo MtebeAbeo
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===Modern History===
The Provisional Government of Bana lasted for 13 years until it was replaced by a new Constitution that established the Federation of Bana. The system of co-consuls was replaced with a single Premier and cabinet appointed from among the members of the Federal Congress. A figurehead President was elected by the Council of Communities, the upper house of the legislature, that was designed to give equal representation to the constituent peoples of the federation. A new capital city was established, Newport, which was declared to be a district governed directly by the Federal Congress outside any individual state. In 1974, the Free State of New Rania agreed to join the federation after several years of diplomatic negotiations and a referendum. New Rania, a small country of less than a million residents at the time, had long been dependent on Bana both economically and militarily. In 2018, Premier of New Rania Arik Rao was elected President of Bana, the first time a New Ranite had served in that role.
Relations with Tavaris were relatively warm after the Civil War, largely out of acknowledgement the provisional government felt it owed to Tavaris for maintaining their two largest cities during the war. The two nations exchanged ambassadors - not just "ministers" - beginning in 1940. However, a diplomatic fallout ended the official relations between the countries. In 2012, they established "back-channel" communications through the Asilican embassies in the two countries, and in 2020, formal relations are restored and ambassadors again exchanged, but relations quickly soured when Tavaris announced a [[Nuclear weapons state|nuclear program]].
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[[File:Okunbana flag.png|thumb|left|200px|The flag of the State of Okunbana.]]
[[File:Okunbana wiki.png|thumb|right|200px|The State of Okunbana within the Federation of Bana.]]
Okunbana is the most populous state in the Federation and is also home to its two largest cities: Lanu, the former capital of the Union of Bana, and the eponymous Bana, the largest and oldest city in the country. The Okun, a human ethnic group, settled along and near the coast of the Strait of Vultuca and established a kingdom around the year 1000 CE. Historically, Okunbana has been divided into seven regions that correspond roughly to seven historic city-states that were subjects of the first Okun polity, which was called the Kingdom of Okunbana and based in the city of Bana. Okunbana was historically the wealthiest of the Banian kingdoms, which remains true into the present day, although it has long depended on Mikubana for natural resources, the fundamental basis on which the Federation of Bana was built.
Due in large part to its proximity to the ocean, Okunbana is much flatter and lower in elevation compared to the other states. It is the agricultural breadbasket of the Federation, producing a majority of its food, and while most of its old growth forests have been long since cut down, it does maintain some rainforest areas and in any case still sees the rainfall of any other tropical rainforest region.
[[File:Mikubana flag.png|thumb|left|200px|The flag of the State of Mikubana.]]
[[File:Mikubana wiki.png|thumb|right|200px|The State of Mikubana within the Federation of Bana.]]
Mikubana, while less populous than Okunbana, is the most resource-rich region of the country. In comparison to the lowland rainforests of Okunbana, Mikubana is mountainous and has less arable farmland. It does, however, have significant reserves of precious metals like gold and silver as well as diamonds and other precious gems and more practical resources like iron, nickel, and aluminum. Though it is landlocked, its direct access to both the Miku River and the Loko River give it access to global markets and were historically crucial trade routes and sources of wealth for the Kingdom. Due to its higher elevation, it has much less tree cover and sees much less rainfall than the rest of the country.
Prior to the union of Okunbana and Mikubana in about 1200 CE, a third tribe known as the Loko merged into the Miku. The Loko, who are elves believed to be closely related to the Miku who lived along the upper Loko River valley, are still extant as an ethnic group in modern Mikubana. Since the Federation era, Mikubana has itself functioned somewhat as a federation between the Miku and the Loko. All state government bodies have seats reserved for those of Loko descent, including some of the state's seats in the Council of Communities. However, for census purposes, the Loko are considered to be part of the Miku ethnic group.
===New Rania===
[[File:New rania.png|thumb|left|200px|The flag of the State of New Rania.]]
[[File:New rania FOB wiki.png|thumb|right|250px200px|The State of New Rania within the Federation of Bana.]]
New Rania is the smallest state in the Federation by population. Formerly a sovereign country of feline exiles from Ni-Rao, it voted to join the Federation of Bana in 1974. Prior to integrating into Bana, it was known as the Free State of Ni-Rao. Much of New Rania's territory is undeveloped, and with a population of 1,029,508, the other two states each have a population larger by nearly a factor of ten. New Rania is also relatively impoverished compared to the other two states, having long been economically dependent on Bana for most imports. The New Ranite economy is largely based in textiles, although manufacturing and the service industry have been seeing gains in recent years as New Rania's minimum wage laws are attractive to international business.
