Federation of Bana: Difference between revisions

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Agriculturally, the country’s most famous export—often the subject of tongue-in-cheek jokes regarding its name—is bananas, of which Bana exports more than any other country on Urth. A common misconception is that the name of the fruit is somehow related to the name of the country, or vice versa, but neither is the case. While the etymology of the Staynish-Codexian word “banana” is uncertain, the fruit has always been called “ọgẹdẹ” in the [[wikipedia:Yoruba language|Banian language]], while the word “Bana” comes from a grammatical root meaning “children.”
The State of Okunbana produces the vast majority of Bana’s agricultural products, though since New Rania joined the federation, the agricultural economy of that state has grown exponentially. While Mikubana has relatively little agriculture in comparison, quinoa has been grown and cultivated there for thousands of years. In addition to bananas, Bana exports amaranth, cassava, cashew nuts, cocoa, maize (corn), millet, palm kernels and oil, quinoa, rice, rubber, sorghum, soybeans, and yams.sweet Beefpotatoes, porkvanilla, and chicken are all raised and processed domestically and for export in Banayams. The amountMost of tropicalthese rainforestare clearedgrown forin livestock ranchingOkunbana, asthough wellquinoa asis forgrown bananain andMikubana palm(where plantations,it areis frequentlybetter subjectadapted to criticism from environmental groups, with the Baniancolder Wildlifeclimate) and Ecology Foundation estimating in 2020 that as much as 60% of Okunbana’s biodiversity had been lost due to increasing deforestation. Very few virgin rainforests remain in Okunbana,growing and thoughharvesting youngervanilla forestshas do remain, they havelong been in a steadyspecialty declineof sinceNew the 1980sRania.
Beef, pork, and chicken are all raised and processed domestically and for export across the country. The amount of tropical rainforest cleared for livestock ranching, as well as for banana and palm plantations, are frequently subject to criticism from environmental groups, with the Banian Wildlife and Ecology Foundation estimating in 2020 that as much as 60% of Okunbana’s biodiversity had been lost due to increasing deforestation. Very few virgin rainforests remain in Okunbana, and though younger forests do remain, they have been in a steady decline since the 1980s.
Bana has a relatively small fishing sector compared to other neighboring countries with ocean access and is a net importer of seafood. This has traditionally been ascribed to the fact that Bana’s EEZ along the Strait of Vaklori is relatively narrow due to the presence of nearby Tavaris. The [[Royal Tavari Armed Forces|Tavari military]] keeps its maritime border with Bana highly patrolled both at sea and in the air, maintaining what some Banian governments have decried as a “de facto blockade” that reduces the safety of Banians attempting to make lawful use of Bana’s own EEZ. Tavaris maintains that its military presence is within its own territory and therefore lawful, and since 2020 has kept a somewhat lower military presence in the Strait as it turned its military focus to Ni-Rao and to Novaris. The largest source of seafood for Bana is [[Vaklori]], however a domestic fishing industry does exist, though not for export.
