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[[File:Tavaris.png|thumb|left|200px|The flag of the State of Tavaris.]]
[[File:New NEW FINAL tavaris wiki FINAL.png|thumb|right|300px|The location of Tavaris within the Tavari Union. Disputed claims are in light green. Inset is not to scale.]]
Tavaris descends from the Kingdom of Tavaris established on the island of Avnatra in the latter half of the 15th century. After the Tavari Civil War that ended in 1499, the remaining Tavari loyalists were exiled and largely sailed to the Gondwanan mainland to the east. At that time, that region was populated predominately by a feline polity based in the interior of the continent who largely disapproved of Tavari settlement. Between 1499 and 1567, the Tavari loyalists established several different settlements that each failed due to feline aggression as well as because of disease and lack of food. In 1567, the loyalists landed at the point they named Good Harbor for its placid waters sheltered from harsh weather they were experiencing when they discovered it. By this time the felines had grown weaker politically and had begun to retreat back in to the interior of the continent. They were able to establish a more permanent settlement there, and eventually began expanding eastward. Within a generation, they had reached the shores of Lake Unar, where they established the city of Nuvrenon. The Tavari consolidated power over this region and gradually established nine provinces - one for each loyalist chief's family line.