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Settlement of the Eweic peoples into the cradle of the Highland Steeps began roughly 20,000 years ago. Various Eweic tribes fought over control of what is now called the midlands because of the abundance of rivers and fertile farming ground in the region. The petty kingdoms of the Ewe Region first began interacting with outside nations during the classical age, in which the first recorded contacts of the Ewe and the Alkari began to take place.
Formal unification of Ewenshire into the modern nation-state began on 1818 during [[Gascon Ackony of Balean|Ackony]]'s conquest of the Eweic Kingdoms, forming the Eweic Empire and the first modern [[Shepherd (Ewenshire)|Shepherd]]. Between 1818 and just before the start of the Great War, the Convention of Ewenshire worked to try and gradually lessen the powers of the Emperor, a title which became increasingly unpopularShepherd. The Empire briefly fought on the imperial’s side of the [[Great War]] until 1908, when then-emperorShepherd [[Will of Gough]] was assassinated and the Convention elected to leave the conflict. In the modernization efforts of the early 20th century, the Convention drafted and passed a constitution, which removedis alargely largeconsidered portionto ofbe the powerofficial previously associated with the emperor’s title and changed the nameend of the titleEweic toEmpire. Shepherd.
== Etymology ==
