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Esteira under Souza has been categorized as an {{Wp|autocracy}} where power is ultimately concentrated in the hands of the president. Elections are not considered to be free, the judiciary's independence has been significantly weakened, press censorship is widespread, and the legislature acts as a rubber stamp for the president.
The [[President of Esteira|president]] is the Commander-in-Chief of the [[Esteiran Military Forces]], can veto legislative bills before they become law, and appoints the [[Cabinet of Esteira|cabinet]] and other officers, who administer laws and policies. A presidential term is five years and there are no term limits; they were abolished in 1999 by the National People's Assembly at Souza's urging. [[Luis Souza]] has been the president of Esteira since 1991. His victory in the [[1991 Esteiran presidential election|1991 election]] is widely considered to be Esteira's last free and fair election, with every election following suffering from some sort of fraud.
The National People's Assembly is a {{wp|unicameral}} {{wp|parliament}} comprising of 275 members, each coming from a single-member district. The National People's Assembly has the power to make laws, constitutional amendments, approve treaties, make suggestions on domestic and foreign policy, and can remove sitting members of government through impeachment. The parliament can also veto any local laws that may violate the constitution.
The judiciary comprises the [[Supreme Court of Esteira|Supreme Court]] and specialized courts like the [[Constitutional Court of Esteira|Constitutional Court]], which deals with specific issues relating to constitutional and business law. The Supreme Court is the highest court of appeal for criminal cases. The national court judges are appointed by the president and confirmed by the National People's Assembly, after which they serve for life. Judges may be impeached by the Assembly and removed with three-quarters of the body voting for removal.
Since 2002, members of the [[Esteiran People's Party]] are the only candidates in Esteira that may stand for election to a public office. Souza's government has taken steps to censor, intimidate, and discredit opposition parties that circumvent the political opposition ban that has been in place since the passing of the [[National Security and Stable Leadership Act of 2002|National Security and Stable Leadership Act]] in 2002. Membership of, voting for, or campaigning for an opposition party is a criminal offense in Esteira.
=== Elections ===
The National People's Assembly is a {{wp|unicameral}} {{wp|parliament}} comprising of 275 members, each coming from a single-member district.
===Foreign relations===
