Esmir: Difference between revisions

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==== Holy Empire ====
The collapse of the Tzruids saw the growth of the Holy Confederation which was renamed the Holy Empire in 227 BC. While the Holy Empire covered a good portion of modern Esmir, it was plagued by corruption and it was little more than a loose association of competing kingdoms that the church barely managed to control. Heterodoxy, Neo-Estamism, and a new heretical religion called "spiritualism" still continued to exist and even slowly gain ground in the Holy Empire throughout the years. Some scholars argue that the Holy Empire fizzled out of existence, and other scholars argue it never really existed as an entity in the first place. By 100 BC, all of the kingdoms of the Holy Empire were under the influence of the Cheshmej Dynasty, which continued to refer to itself as the "holy empire" even as the term was no longer used by the general populace. This would become a common theme among all dynasties to come.
Much of the kingdoms of the Holy Empire would fly triangular flags of various colors. While none were officially adopted, the triangular design is rooted here.
==== Cheshmej Dynasty ====
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==== Imperial Esmir ====
[[File:GreenFlag.png|thumb|Muzki Flag of Imperial Esmir]]
Imperial Esmir, like the dynasties that came before it, continued to centralize the civilization under the state apparatus, introducing the civil service exam and finally standardizing a new alphabet for Esmiri, which up until then used Hamayan letters. Unlike the Cheshmej Dynasty, Imperial Esmir was extremely intolerant of outsiders. All residents that could not feasibly claim heritage from the ancient Irapkas were expelled, and while many humans could simply lie about their heritage, it wasn't as easy for non-human intelligent species, which were probably expelled in the tens of thousands. They were pushed to "trade zones" of cities and were only allowed to be merchants on top of having to pay an extra tax to the government. Imperial Esmir firstofficially adopted the well-known triangular flag in 1227 which would be in off-and-on use throughout its history.
Esmir's fertile highlands and comprehensive trade routes throughout the medieval period kept it from being easily sabotaged by barbarians and allowed for it to easily dominate almost any invading power. Imperial Esmir was known as the "mountain hermit" to the outside world.
