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The final years of the Raku Dynasty around 1700BC again are not quite clear. Prophecy in the Old Documents foretold of a completion to God's law in the form of a prophet, which according to the Katharians was complete in the ascension of Emperor Kathar to the throne. According to the Kathar Documents, Kathar claimed to be the enlightened prophet of God, performing miracles and healing wounded homeless people. Despite being Emperor, he slept on the streets and tended to the sick, which was unheard of and entirely inappropriate for an emperor. The entirety of the Old Estam, with the exception of one Irapka Zemo II of Temra, motioned to have Kathar stoned. Kathar was instead crucified by a band of religious zealouts and Zemo II was then sentenced by his fellow Irapkas to be hung, until Kathar descended from heaven. Under pure shock, the Old Estam accepted Kathar as the prophet. Finally, God is said to have appeared to the Old Estam and hundreds of others, in front of whom he declared Kathar as Himself revealed in the flesh in a fully divine-human nature. A key to heaven was given to Zemo II who with the rest of the Irapkas founded the Orthodox Katharian Church on behalf of God.
What is most peculiar is that prior to Kathar, there was no "th" sound in Ancient EsmirEsmiri. A new letter was created specifically for Kathar's name.
==== Secular perspective ====
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=== Imperial Esmir ===
==== HashemaLashema Dynasty ====
By around 1500 BC, Katharian civilization began to be referred to as Esmir ("blessed kingdom"). The Katharian Church by this point was made up of five synods: the Kordeshi Synod, the Urashi Synod, the Zayemi Synod, the Temran Synod, and the Oyani Synod. The period from 1300 BC to 900 BC is marked by increased human-orc interaction according to historical records. Orcs were never incorporated into Katharian civilization and instead were seen as "other" beings, even when they were tolerated. A bishop was excommunicated in the Lashema Dynasty for ordaining an orc in the Council of Ranon which stapled Katharianism as an exclusively human religion.
From around 1900 BC, the people of the Raku Dynasty began to refer to their civilization as Esmir ("blessed kingdom").
Sometime around 900 BC to 800 BC, the "five kingdom alliance of orcs" declared war on Kingdom of Daswe, which was at the time a vassal of the Lashema Dynasty. The Urashi and Zayemi Synods had properties vandalized by orc residents within the Kingdom of Daswe and thus orcs were expelled from all of Esmir. With Lashemite support, the Kingdom of Daswe managed to defeat the orc invasion.
===Imperial Age===
===Late Dynastic Period===
