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'''The Federal Republic of Equatannia''', commonly referred to as '''Equatannia''' (/.ɛkwə'tɒnjə/), is a unitary constitutional presidential republic known for its stunning environment, compassionate citizens, and stringent health and safety legislation.
Equatannia's geopolitical borders make up the Starr Peninsula, nearly bordering [[Durakia]] to the north, and eight small islands to the south. The nation's capital and most populous city is Equaa (/i:kwʌ/), situated on the eastern side of Equity Bay. Equatannia is currently governed by three regional boards under the direct rule of the federal government: Greater Equatannia, The Federal District of Equaa, and The Isles. Equatannia has an area of [] and a population of 50050 million. Most Equatannians are Human, while there are communities of various other races.
The two most populous districts that make up the portion of modern Equatannia on the Starr Peninsula, Greater Equatannia and the Federal District, were once separate sovereign entities with the Chiefdom of Equaa to the south and six established independent villages in the north. The nations never exhibited political conflict or hostility with one another and eventually came to the agreement to unite as one sovereign state in 1927. This resolution was forged over the course of several years now known as The Internal Ambition by a committee formed of ambassadors from both nations. After a period of influence throughout the late 1920s and the approval of a referendum passed by the native inhabitants in 1933, the sparsely populated Isles situated south of the Starr Peninsula were annexed into the Chiefdom as the third governmental region. The modern Constitution was ratified by The People's Assembly on December 5, 1936 after being proposed by Cristofer Benyne, the second Speaker of the People.