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==== The Current Presidency ====
Karine Roswuud left office to some political scandal, but to much approval from Equatannians. She further explained her resignation once again on January 13, 2008 in a televised address. Melinde Roswuud announced her intent to run for President in March with the backing of the Federal Party, the same party her aunt was a part of. She won the primary election in July of 2008 and was elected President on the Federal Holiday of that same year with 8262% of the vote. Representative Sindi Bantoor was elected to the Vice President position after winning 21% of the vote. Roswuud is the youngest elected President as she was only 28 when elected.
She spent her first term campaigning on the idea of opening the country up to foreign affairs by January 2020, with her establishing multiple ''de facto'' departments aimed at eventually assisting in foreign affairs back in 2010. In 2011, she expanded the powers of the Department of Education to assist in establishing specialized charter schools for high school students. In early 2012, she forever changed her reelection campaign by announcing that Vice President Sindi Bantoor would be resigning the following year, thus pushing then Speaker of the People Mitch Lorraine to assume the Vice Presidency in January 2013 after the 2012 election. The Assembly elected Representative Julian Rite to Speaker of the People in February 2013.
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In 2015, a legislation overhaul was committed by Congress to modernize many laws that were deemed outdated or needed updating due to the rapid development of Equatannia during the 2000s and 2010s. This overhaul created multiple Congressional Committees for the first time in the nation's history, and formally expanded the number of Representatives from 50 to 150. It also formalized the four loose parties that had balance power in The People's Assembly and local elections since the country's formation. The rise of the internet, social media, and international culture during the early 2010s further pushed the federal government to repeal the FANR.
President Roswuud was reelected for her third term in 2016 with 88% of the vote among citizens after running on the slogan, "It's Time!" This slogan pertained to her idea to finally reopen Equatannia to federal foreign affairs by 2020, which would be at the end of her term. InRepresentative Jon Furrbanks caused a national political upset after narrowly defeating Vice President Mitch Lorraine in the general election, making Furrbanks assume the role of Vice President in early 2017. Later that year, sheRoswuud finished constructing and employing the departments she had began planning seven years prior and deemed them ready for work. The Foreign Affairs Committee formally proposed The Federal Reveal Act (FERA) to both chambers of Congress on May 3, 2018, which then lead to over a year and a half of debate, filibuster, discussion, and planning among Representatives, Chancellors, and the Administration of President Roswuud. On November 20, 2019, Speaker MitchDot LorraineBungi announced that he would be calling for a formal vote in a month's time as The Regional had reached an agreement to approve the resolution in July earlier that year. On the morning of December 21, 2019, Speaker LorraineBungi called for a formal vote on FERA. Representatives approved the resolution with 73% for the approval of the act, and President Melinde Roswuud signed FERA into law only three hours later from the Executive Office in Equaa. The following day, the federal government sent multiple phone calls and emails informing the international community of their return to foreign diplomacy. The state of Equatannia had finally reached true social, political, and economic stability for the first time since its founding.
Equatannia has since endorsed various nations of Urth and has also established embassies within surrounding countries. The Equatannian economy has quickly flourished due to open international trade, as the produce native to a Mediterranean climate is unique to the area. President Roswuud has begun working toward improved international relations, despite the Arkian Civil War occurring just north of the nation. Equatannia has retained its neutral position in all external conflict, but some speculate that will soon change with President Roswuud's instruction. She faces her fourth election later this year, and has yet to announce any plans to resign to new candidates. <br />