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Carbonated drinks have been popular on Elatana since the first years of settlement by the [[Alksearia|Alkari]] and [[Tavari people|Tavari]]; they were fashionable to serve in tea houses in Alkari cities such as Roshal at the turn of the 18th century<ref name = NewEast>{{cite web|url=https://forum.theeastpacific.com/t/the-new-east/14617/6?u=acronis|title=The New East, Post 6|date=October 15, 2021}}</ref> and were brought to Elatana by Alkari settlers, but quickly proved popular among the Tavari as well. Early fizzy drinks required naturally carbonated water and were relatively expensive; it would not be until the turn of the 19th century that a commercially feasible method for the mass production of carbonated drinks was developed. In 1818, Dr. Eríc Oren Menbareš, a pharmacist by trade, first began selling carbonated drinks marketed as “mineral water elixirs” purported to cure various maladies. Dr. Oren Menbareš is credited with being the first on Elatana to use the kola nut, which had been unknown to the Tavari prior to their arrival in Arcturia, as a flavoring agent, and he quickly found that his mineral water elixirs were by far the most popular item he sold.
In 1820, Dr. Oren Menbareš ceased his pharmacy practice altogether and incorporated the Elatana Beverage Company. In the early years, the company only sold product in Elatana itself because it was produced and sold pre-carbonated and thus had a limited shelf life. In 1831, Dr. Oren Menbareš agreed to switch to selling the drink in the form of a concentrated syrup that would be mixed with carbonated water by the retailers selling it, allowing the beverage to expand to Alksearia, followed by [[Union of Free Cities|Ilarís]] in 1832 and [[Racatrazi]] in 1834. Though selling his drinks in mainland Tavaris was Dr. Oren Menbareš’ dream, he passed away in 1835 before agreeing to a sales agreement in Tavaris.
Sales of the drink in Tavaris began in 1840, but were initially lackluster, as the carbonated water craze had never penetrated culture in the home islands as much as it had in Tavari Arcturia. Concerned that “Dr. Eríc Oren Menbareš’ Elatana Mineral Water Kola Elixir” was an uninteresting name, or at the very least that many printers charged by the letter for printing marketing materials, the company changed the name to “Ella Elixir.” Also at this time, the company launched the first new flavor: replacing the kola nut extract with a secret blend of “botanical flavorings” that resulted in a clear liquid, which the company named “Ella Tonic.” The changes proved effective, and Ella has remained popular in Tavaris since.
