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'''Einarism''', also commonly known as '''Ulvrikian Socialism,''' is a political ideology developed by Remir Eina, a Norgsveltian political philosopher, author and activist. In which Eina argued for constructing a socialist state based around nationalism and centralisation. Arguing that the internationalism of mainstream socialism hindered development of creating a classless society by pointing out patriotism and nationalism often strongest within working class communities. Stating that by striping away the ruling class influence of nationalism can a true socialist state be formed. Having created three books cementing his view of nationalism and how his ideal socialist state would look like.
Eina’s ideas became popular among left wing circles within [[Atlalandr]], [[Kaldrbuth]] and former colonies of [[Norgsveldet]] being often stated to be more popular outside of his home country than inside it. Still remaining major political influence in [[East Atlalandr]]. As a result of its popularity among several left wing communities several branches of Einarism withhas todaybeen made with there being mainly three popular branches. Those being Traditional Einarism, Moderate Einarism and Neo-Einarism. With each branch having had wildly different interpretations of Eina’s work.
“The ruling class fears a worker that loves his country more than he loves the crown. Once the pride and love for one's nation is taken away from the shackles of the bourgeoisie and the aristocracy can we say that we are free.” - Remir Eina