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===Cerdani Empire===
MAIN'''Main ARTICLEArticle:[[Cerdani Empire]]'''
Prior to the formation of the Cerdani Empire in 1459, the region was largely a collection of loosely associated kingdoms and smaller independent communities. The largest and most dominant of these being the Cerdani Kingdom and the Red River Confederation.
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'''Main Article: [[Leadership of East Cerdani]], [[Council of Ministers (East Cerdani)]]'''
East Cerdani's leadership is vested into several different offices, most of them collectively led. The most important of these being the [[State Council of the Cerdani Democratic Republic]] with its Chairperson often considered to be the Head of State although the State Council is formed and run collectively. The State Council is elected every 5 years by the Volkskammer from within its own members.
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==Administrative divisions==
'''Main articlesArticles: [[States of the Cerdani Democratic Republic|States of East Cerdani]], [[Provinces of the Cerdani Democratic Republic|Provinces of East Cerdani]], [[Districts of the Cerdani Democratic Republic|Districts of East Cerdani]]'''
The Cerdani Democratic Republic is divided into ten states. The states are subdivided into twenty provinces and one capital city with provincial status. The provinces are subdivided into 96 districts. The districts are further divided in 405 "Local Government Areas" and then in large cities into Localities, the lowest level of the central state administration.
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'''Main Article: [[National People's Army]], [[People's Militias (East Cerdani)]]'''
[[File:MiG-29UB Preschen (22925448266).jpg|right|200px|thumb|An East-Cerdan Air Force jet]]
The National People's Army are the professional military forces of the Cerdani Democratic Republic and is comprised of for separate branches for the Ground Forces, Navy, Air Force and Border Guards. Conscription has been enforced since 1967 with military service mandatory for a minimum of 18 months for all able-bodied adults after turning 20 regardless of gender or species unless deferred or suspended. East Cerdani provides limited recognition for conscientious objectors in the form of non-combat units or civilian service for the same 18 month period.
The importance of maintaining independence and the continued development of socialism free from foreign interference or threats are seen as a high priority by the government and as a result East Cerdani maintains one of the largest, expensive and well-organised professional militaries in the world with 1.3 million actively serving and over 700,000 in official reserve, with the potential for up to 8 million to be called for service in the event of a national, mass mobilisation. Much of the hardware and equipment used by the National People's Army is domestically produced and developed, with only a few items imported or produced on license.
[[File:Mackenrode border.jpg|right|200px|thumb|Propaganda artwork is common on the border with West Cerdani]]
East Cerdani also maintains a sizable but undisclosed number of nuclear warheads deployed in a nuclear triad comprising ICBMs, strategic bombers and nuclear submarines. International inspectors and foreign nationals have very rarely been permitted to see or inspect any nuclear weapons, with only a limited number ever being shown at a time. East Cerdani's nuclear policy since it's inception has been that of "no first use" and to "not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against any non-nuclear-weapons states or nuclear-weapon-free zones at any time or under any circumstances."
[[File:Mackenrode border.jpg|thumb|Propaganda artwork is common on the border with West Cerdani]]
In addition to the professional military the [[People's Militias (East Cerdani)|People's Militias]] exist as one the largest paramilitary organisation in East Cerdani and one of the largest in the world. It is largely comprised of working class people and members of parties of the National Front and almost every major factory, office and workplace has at least a small unit or detachment. Training is conducted by non-military providers such as the People's Police and is ongoing throughout the year, with camps often taking place on weekends and scheduled training weeks taking place at specific times throughout the year. Membership in the Militias is entirely voluntary however it is often encouraged as past membership is seen as politically and socially virtuous.
'''Main articleArticle: [[Economy of East Cerdani]]'''
[[File:LATCC 9020.png|right|200px|thumb|East Cerdani's economic planning is heavily computerised and computer managed]]
The economy of East Cerdani is that of a centrally-planned socialist economy, with most economic sectors and means of production controlled directly by the workers themselves through worker collectives, worker owned enterprises or co-operatives. The state is largely responsible for organising discussion and participation of workers and collectives in the creation and adjustment of economic plans and directives, along with assisting them in the fulfillment of these objectives. Nationally these plans are organised along 5 year long Prospective Indicative Plans which outlines the directives of the economy and the plans for specific industries. Heavy and light industries are the largest sectors of the economy comprising various specialisations from camera and computer manufacturing to the manufacturing of aircraft and heavy plant equipment. Agriculture remains a significant part of the economy, the country officially being self sufficient in most staple foods allowing the cultivation of certain commercial crops for both domestic consumption and limited export.
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[[File:Mast-17 Sendemast Koenigs Wusterhausen.jpg|thumb|One of the main transmitters for Radio Morzahnstadt International]]
All forms of media in East Cerdani is heavily influenced or outright controlled by the government. Newspapers are widely circulated domestically with state-controlled dailies having some of the high readership numbers. However this number has declined since the 2000s with the arrival and increasing popularity of the internet.
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Arts and Music in East Cerdani have historically been heavily influenced by Ethalrian settlers and various local cultures that survived. Both Art and Music serve various purposes from story telling, traditional ceremonies and dances and identity expression. Musical instruments were often handmade, although many are now produced on a larger scale. Many of the traditional instruments used consist of drums and woodwinds and are often paired with intricate dances and singing. Contemporary music in East Cerdani is highly varied with many local artists whilst simulataneously being heavily influenced by foreign countries with the most popular types being Rock, Pop and Techno.
[[File:Womacka Gemeinschaftsarbeit.jpg|right|200px|thumb|Socialist Realism murals are common on most buildings]]
Art in modern East Cerdani is often in the style of Socialist Realism, typically showing everyday life under socialism. Propaganda artwork is also common both for domestic and foreign audiences and is often the most commonly known type of East Cerdan artwork internationally.
[[File:Estádio Nacional de Ombaka (19151153514) (cropped).jpg|right|200px|thumb|A large multi-purpose stadium in East Cerdani]]
Football is the most popular sport in East Cerdani. The national team is the [[East Cerdani National Team]] and the sport is supported greatly by the state. Swimming and aquatic sports are avidly followed and increasingly popular. Basketball is also popular along with cricket and ice hockey.
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All railways and railway infrastructure are owned by the [[National Railways of Cerdani]] which is responsible for the maintenance of all tracks and partially operates passenger and freight services. Some local railways are leased to a specific province or district which is then responsible until the end of the lease, terms often lasting 50 or 99 years. All major cities within East Cerdani are linked by rail, with high speed rail forming a corridor that links the north to the south and a branch towards West Cerdani partially completed. Railway links with West Cerdani are managed by [[Westrail]] which also operates limited services within West Cerdani.
[[File:N1879+N1871 Bunbury, 1986.JPG|right|200px|thumb|Railways remain the most efficient way of transporting goods long distances in East Cerdani]]
Major arterial roads and national highways are managed by the [[Main Roads of Cerdani]] who are also responsible for national policies on road access, construction, signage and maintenance. Many other roads are managed by state, provincial or district governments who are responsible for the maintenance and construction of local roads. East Cerdani's highway network was largely constructed from the 1930s to the 1950s to facilitate better travel across the country both for civilians and for the military in peacetime and war. Highway construction has largely stopped due to the increase in funding and support for public transport and state policies generally discouraging the use of private cars when not required.
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===Energy Production===
[[File:SolarChimneyManzanares view from 8km south direction.JPG|thumb|upright=1.2|Solar Updraft Towers are a common sight among farmlands in the warmer areas of East Cerdani]]
East Cerdani's energy is largely based on nuclear, hydro and coal, with growing contributions from renewables such as solar, wind and thermal energy since the mid 2000s. As of 2023 the energy breakup consists of 42% Nuclear, 35% Hydro, 12% Coal with the remaining 11% coming from a mixture of solar, wind and thermal with a small portion (less than 2%) coming from natural gas and biofuels. East Cerdani has been energy independent since 1962 and, since 1988, exports electricity to West-Cerdani which has remained partially reliant on East-Cerdan hydro and coal power.
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'''Main Article: [[Cerdani Space Exploration Institute]]'''
[[File:Environmental Satellite.jpeg|right|200px|thumb|[[Envirosat]], an East-Cerdan Urth Observation satellite and one the largest satellites ever launched to date undergoing integration prior to a scheduled launch in 2023]]
East Cerdani maintains and operates a well-equipped space program for both civilian and military uses. The Space Program was first started in the 1950s but only achieved success in the 1960s where the first East-Cerdan satellite was sent into orbit in 1963 the first Cerdan making a single orbital flight on 1968. East Cerdani maintains independent spaceflight capabilities including a small space station manned continuously since the resumption of space flight following the end of the [[Space Debris Crises]]. East Cerdani also maintains a program for providing cheap spaceflight to astronauts and satellites to friendly countries and particularly other socialist states which may not have these capabilities.
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