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===Cerdan Revolution===
'''Main Article:[[Cerdani Empire]]'''
By 1915 the situation in the Cerdan Empire was rapidly deteriorating, the parliament was abrogated indefinitely in April 1915 and a significant portion of the military were working without pay. Although the Empire had been bankrupt since 1912 it was not officially announced until December 1915 when the Emperor was conducting his traditional end of year speech.
The announcement was interpreted by the various anti-monarchist forces as a clear sign of the government's weak state and many movements quickly sought to seize the opportunity. Between January 27 to February 8 1916, a large portion of the eastern countryside including over a hundred hamlets and villages were occupied by communist and socialist militias, meeting little or no resistance from the local police or military forces who were largely sympathetic or outright associated with them. During this same time Republican forces in the west did the same, occupying a significant portion of the outer countryside.
[[File:Revolución-marzo-rusia--russianbolshevik00rossuoft.png|right|200px|thumb|Communist Revolutionaries during the early period of the revolution.]]
By the end of February most of the countryside was now out of the control of the government, and most of their control was now largely confined to the major urban centres and towns. On March 5 1916, the Emperor broadcast an official announcement, declaring that the occupying communist and republican forces were to lay down their arms within two weeks and that if they did so, there would be a general amnesty and talks on forming a new government. The attempt failed however, and the militias and their leaders were not convinced.
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===Post Civil War===
Following the end of the Civil War, the newly independent Cerdani Democratic Republic's government set out a series of ambitious initiatives and projects in healthcare, education and industrialisation with an aim of transforming the country into a self sufficient socialist country by 1950. At independence over 70% of the rural peasantry could not read or write, and lacked access to basic healthcare, education and adequate housing which would take decades for the government to address and fix. In addition the country was technologically and industrially backwards compared to similar nations at this period. Despite the incredibly difficult situation and the economic chaos the country and economy grew appreciably through the remainder of the 1920s and into the 1930s.
===Modern Era===
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The Volkskammer seats 500 members, of which 375 seats are determined in multi-party Instant-runoff voting while 125 seats reserved for the [[Socialist Revolutionary Party of Cerdani|Communist Party]] are elected through
single transferable vote system. All major political parties and mass movements represented in the Volkskammer are part of the [[National Front (East Cerdani)|National Front]] which is an alliance between them. Independent politicians and the unrecognised Progress Bloc account for less than 70 seats.
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The importance of maintaining independence and the continued development of socialism free from foreign interference or threats are seen as a high priority by the government and as a result East Cerdani maintains one of the largest, expensive and well-organised professional militaries in the world with 1.3 million actively serving and over 700,000 in official reserve, with the potential for up to 8 million to be called for service in the event of a national, mass mobilisation. Much of the hardware and equipment used by the National People's Army is domestically produced and developed, with only a few items imported or produced on license.
[[File:Mackenrode border.jpg|right|200px|thumb|Propaganda artwork is common on the border with West Cerdani]]
East Cerdani also maintains a sizable but undisclosed number of nuclear warheads deployed in a nuclear triad comprising ICBMs, strategic bombers and nuclear submarines. International inspectors and foreign nationals have very rarely been permitted to see or inspect any nuclear weapons, with only a limited number ever being shown at a time. East Cerdani's nuclear policy since it's inception has been that of "no first use" and to "not use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against any non-nuclear-weapons states or nuclear-weapon-free zones at any time or under any circumstances."
In addition to the professional military the [[People's Militias (East Cerdani)|People's Militias]] exist as one the largest paramilitary organisation in East Cerdani and one of the largest in the world. It is largely comprised of working class people and members of parties of the National Front and almost every major factory, office and workplace has at least a small unit or detachment. Training is conducted by non-military providers such as the People's Police and is ongoing throughout the year, with camps often taking place on weekends and scheduled training weeks taking place at specific times throughout the year. Membership in the Militias is entirely voluntary however it is often encouraged as past membership is seen as politically and socially virtuous.
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'''Main Article: [[Economy of East Cerdani]]'''
The economy of East Cerdani is that of a centrally-planned socialist economy, with most economic sectors and means of production controlled directly by the workers themselves through worker collectives, worker owned enterprises or co-operatives. The state is largely responsible for organising discussion and participation of workers and collectives in the creation and adjustment of economic plans and directives, along with assisting them in the fulfillment of these objectives. Nationally these plans are organised along 5 year long Prospective Indicative Plans which outlines the directives of the economy and the plans for specific industries. Heavy and light industries are the largest sectors of the economy comprising various specialisations from camera and computer manufacturing to the manufacturing of aircraft and heavy plant equipment. Agriculture remains a significant part of the economy, the country officially being self sufficient in most staple foods allowing the cultivation of certain commercial crops for both domestic consumption and limited export.
[[File:LATCC 9020.png|right|200px|thumb|East Cerdani's economic planning is heavily computerised and computer managed]]
The economy of East Cerdani is that of a centrally-planned socialist economy, with most economic sectors and means of production controlled directly by the workers themselves through worker collectives, worker owned enterprises or co-operatives. The state is largely responsible for organising discussion and participation of workers and collectives in the creation and adjustment of economic plans and directives, along with assisting them in the fulfillment of these objectives. Nationally these plans are organised along 5 year long Prospective Indicative Plans which outlines the directives of the economy and the plans for specific industries. Heavy and light industries are the largest sectors of the economy comprising various specialisations from camera and computer manufacturing to the manufacturing of aircraft and heavy plant equipment. Agriculture remains a significant part of the economy, the country officially being self sufficient in most staple foods allowing the cultivation of certain commercial crops for both domestic consumption and limited export.
The East Cerdan economy has remained largely insular and closed, primarily due to the historic isolation East Cerdani has faced since independence and the aims of the government for complete self-sufficiency in all strategic areas of the economy. Since the early 2000s however the official policy has shifted towards establishing more economic relations and co-operation with non-socialist countries based primarily on reciprocal advantage and mutual respect for sovereignty and independence. As a result of this policy change the East Cerdan economy has begun to export significant numbers of certain products, providing the state with an important source of foreign currency for further trade.
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As of 2023 East Cerdani has a population of 121.5 million, making it the largest nation in Gondwana and the ninth most populous country in the world. The population density stands at an average 77 inhabitants per square kilometre with manythe ofnumbers theskewed largerhigher in cities skewingand highersignificantly lower in rural regions.
East Cerdani has a number of larger cities with a the capital and largest city, Morzahnstadt, forming a large extensive urban area and having special provincial status. while the second largest city, Betzfels, is more heavily urbanised and concentrated.
{{Largest cities