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The Cerdani Empire was officially proclaimed in 1459 following the signing of the Morzahn Accords and the official merger of the Red River Confederation into the newly proclaimed empire. One of the first goals of the new empire was to take over many neighbouring kingdoms and incorporating them, either through force or diplomacy.
===Revolution and Pre-Civil War===
By the early 1900s the Cerdani Empire was one of the most underdeveloped and backwards nations on Urth. Illiteracy rates among the working class was incredibly high, along with high infant mortality rates and poor access to healthcare and food.
It was also during this time that the empire's government was weakening substantially. The parliament was largely ceremonial and dysfunctional, acting as a rubber stamp for the Emperor and his family. Various Republican, Socialist and Communist parties that emerged were outlawed and heavily persecuted. Despite this however, many of these groups operated successfully underground, recruiting many disillusioned and dissatisfied peasants and workers.
===Founding of East Cerdani===
===Cerdan Revolution===
By 1915 the situation in the Cerdan Empire was rapidly deteriorating, the parliament was abrogated indefinitely in April 1915 and significant portion of the military were working without pay. Although Empire had been bankrupt since 1912 it was not officially annouced until December 1915 when the Emperor was conducting his traditional end of year speech.
===Modern Era===
The announcement was interpreted by the various anti-monarchist forces as a clear sign of the government's weak state and quickly sought to seize the opportunity. Between January 27nd to February 8th 1916, a large portion of the eastern countryside including hamlets and villages were occupied by communist and socialist militias, meeting little resistance from the local police or military forces who were largely sympathetic or outright associated with them. During this same time Republican forces in the west did the same.
By the end of February most of the countryside was now out of the control of the government, and most of their control was now confined to the major urban centres and towns. On March 5th 1916, the Emperor broadcast an official announcement, declaring that the occupying communist and republican forces were to lay down their arms and that if they did so, there would be a general amnesty and talks on forming a new government. The attempt failed however, and the militias and their leaders were not convinced.
After the two week period lapsed on March 19th 1916, the Royal Cerdan Army begun a large scale invasion of the countryside, aiming to retake and cleanup the regions by force. The army initially had successes in taking back a handful of hamlets but were unable to assert control effectively for more than a couple of weeks. Compounding this further was the poor morale the troops and junior officers, who had been working with little to no pay for over a year and were reliant on outdated and poorly maintained equipment. In many cases troops sent out to fight simply walked across and joined the other side or surrender immediately, much to the frustration of high command.
The Monarchy collapsed on August 11th, 1921 when communist and socialist militias seized control of the capital of Morzahnstadt after months of heavy fighting, taking the city block by block. The red flag was raised over the Imperial Palace at noon and a provisional government was formed to assume the duties and manage the running of the country.
===Civil War===
Following the end of the war against the monarchy, in fighting between the socialist militias and the capitalist republican militias quickly broke out. Ostensibly this was due to perceived notions of overreach by each side to the other, most notably was that each sides respective provisional governments, meant to be mixed with Cerdans of all political and social backgrounds, was stacked with socialists and communists in the east, and capitalists in the west.
Throughout the civil war period much of the fighting consisted of small, hit and run style attacks against outposts and convoys, with neither side willing to put significant amounts of manpower at risk during the chaotic period of transition. Both governments declared their independence in 1921, each side claiming sovereignty over the whole of the former Cerdani Empire, refusing to recognise each other.
Ultimately this state of affairs proved hard to maintain, West Cerdani remained heavily reliant on the sea and rail links to the ocean through East Cerdani and Dettollohn and East Cerdani was still dependent on seasonal workers from the west to work in their mines, both vestiges from the period of the Empire.
On September 17th, 1922 after a two week ceasefire the Cerdani Democratic Republic and the Federal Republic of Cerdani signed the [[Cerdani Peace Accords]], officially ending the war between to the two nations. As a result of a dispute over the border region surrounding the Winterhof Castle a neutral zone was created, with the intention of the border being resolved in the future. Both nations agreed to recognise each other in a limited capacity, and to respect their borders and sovereignty.
===Post Civil War===
Following the end of the Civil War, the newly independent Cerdani Democratic Republic's government set out to begin a series of dramatic and rapid initiatives in healthcare, education and industrialisation. At independent over 70% of the rural peasantry could not read or write, and lacked access to basic healthcare, education and adequate housing. In addition the country was technologically and industrially backwards compared to similar nations at this period.
===Modern Era===