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'''Recovery Period (1937-1984)'''
'''Meremaa Crisis'''
Placeholder History
With the military failures in the later stages of the Meremaa Civil War and the sanctioning of Durakia by Norgsveldet - a once close ally - The Council of Trade Unions called a vote to end envolvement in Meremaa, led by the more moderate factons of the Durakan Labour Front, the main opposition to the Durakan Communist Party.The vote passed by a good margin, only to be vetoed by Bertov and the Revolutionary Council. Allegations of corruption among the council were commom, with anti-war protests ran by the DLF increasing. On the 6th of April, 1994, tensions came to a head when Andrei Vehr, a prominent figure in the Anti-War faction of the DLF, demanded the resignation of Bertov and the end of involvement in Meremaa. The Council of Trade Unions sided with Vehr, with Bertov agreeing to stand down to avoid a second civil war. This caused a split in the Labour Front, creating the Social Democratic Party - who followed more with Social Democracy and Anti-War policy and Durakan Worker's Party - who followed the more traditional DLF policy of Democratic Socialism. Vehr served as Head of Government until the leadership election next year.
'''Modern Period (1984-present)'''
