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= Geography =
= Government and Politics =
Officially, the political system of Duominzu is founded under the constitutional framework of of vaguely defined 'defensive' and parliamentary democracy under a semi-constitutional monarchy. The Peoples' Declaration Constitution forms the fundamental law of the nation, investing power into six elective, ethnically-diverse aurian monarchs. As the six monarchs share the dominant power of the executive in their hands, they are, in theory, kept in check and balance by each other as well as by the Impartial Assembly and the Stable Mandate. Furthermore, political behaviors is moderated by the heavy focus on Duominzuan Legalism and Confucianism, citing the incredible mental fragility of aurian minds, often vulnerable to mental illness and emotional outlash. All monarchs are not required to have royal blood, as they come from Households- powerful and socially well-connected Bloodline.
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The Dervish Whisperers is a secret police force, a melding between the Executive and Judicial branches to promote the stability and power of the stability of Duominzu. Founded in 1927, the Dervish Whisperers has gradually expanded from extra-judicial matters into a full-blown intelligence agencies with numerous branches. Mostly dedicated to domestic intelligence and counter-terrorism operations, it hasn't stopped them from expanding internationally.
== Foreign Relations ==
== Military ==
== Law Enforcement and Crime
= Economy =