Cryrian Defense Forces: Difference between revisions

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Tomorrow Minister Folke Hägg was the first to propose building upon previous efforts at biological warfare to that end. Both Hägg and the eugenicists at the Tomorrow Ministry theorized that infectious strains capable of inflict damage on a civilizational scale could and would be developed in the near future by various nation states. This would, in essence, create a scenario of mutually assured destruction. While the Tomorrow Ministry's estimations were wildly incorrect, they did lead to the creation of a biological warfare section under the Special Materials Division which spearheaded far more legitimate and scientifically founded research into the topic. Isolated and uninhabited islands in Tynam's Siggeholm Group were used for secretive testing, production, and storage facilities. Research was also conducted under the guise of legitimate civil biotechnology efforts and involved several important Cryrian universities as well as the Ministry of Agriculture.
Cryrian efforts in this area progressed along two lines - One intended to attack enemy food supplies, particularly livestock, and another for sapient targets. The CDF didultimately develop and testdeveloped a line of "Anthrax bombs" that would be used to breadspread the disease across livestock. In 1945, the weapon was tested on over 60 sheep which had been shipped to the island of Jelna, and successfully killed all its targets within days. Despite this, a lack of significant bomber aircraft meant that the delivery of biological agents would likely have relied heavily on more covert means.
The program soon began to face resistance from within the Special Materials Division itself, which reported that the weapons being developed were "Unlikely to offer any military value outside the realm of terror or desperation." Nonetheless, the powerful political support of the Tomorrow Ministry ensured that the program would continue to grow and develop until the White November Crisis of 1957. After the downfall of the Ministry, the Cryrian Government began to gradually shut the program down until it had been entirely dismantled in 1960.
