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The government funded Cryrian News Network is the largest and oldest media network in Cryria, and operates over radio, television, and most recently internet.
=== Vihreäätaidetta ===
Vihreäätaidetta is a common Cryrian gardening tradition. Literally translated as "Green Art" from ancient Talveri, the practice trades its roots back to the Oshombrani Peninsula where it was first used as a form of Mlylthlaist worship. Vihreäätaidetta consists of complex and carefully sculpted topiaries, typically using perennial evergreens. In its most basic forms, Vihreäätaidetta is shaped into geometric maze-like patterns that incorporate the symbols of Mhuilka, the Mlythlaist aspect of life and fertility. The practice expanded into an art form and a storytelling device. Talveri palaces hosted intricate topiaries depicting animals, mythological creatures, and humans, with entire scenes carefully constructed out of shrubs and trees. Royal Gardeners held an important and prestigious position within palace heirarchy.
=== Whaling ===
[[File:Tidvattnets Dam.jpg|thumb|Postage stamp depicting the Tidvattnets Dam, a national personification of Cryria and a symbol of its seafaring traditions]]
Whale hunting has been an important part of Cryrian culture for centuries, dating back to before the Conquest itself. Many Cryrian sagas depict whale hunts as both a means of sustenance and a demonstration of a clan's prowess. Early whaling was both difficult and dangerous, and success was seen as a sign of heavenly favor. The Drifting Throne from which the Cryrian monarch rules is supposedly made from the bones of a blue whale slain by King MangusMagnus in his quest to unite the Cryrian clans beneath him. The cultural importance of whalebones led to the development of scrimshaw as a Cryrian art form. The practice likely began as a leisure activity for sailors, but scrimshaw pieces often took on superstitious qualities and are still treated as good luck charms for sailors. Particularly old or well-crafted pieces were handed down from generation to generation and often had stories and myths attached to them and the whales they originated from, and even in modern times many Cryrian vessels, including those of the Royal Navy, will house a scrimshaw engraving out of tradition.
Technological advances would bring the rise of industrial whale hunting, and Cryrian prominence as a whaling country peaked in the 19th century. The industry would come under the dominance of a number of traditional whaling families who formed their own competing corporations to exploit the waters of the North Cerenerian. The decline of whale stocks as well as falling demand for whale oil would cause the industry to rapidly fade in the 20th century.
