Cooperative Worker's Party: Difference between revisions

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[[Category:Political party]]
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The '''Cooperative Worker's Party''' ([[W:Dutch language|Vistarian]]: ''Coöperatieve Arbeiderspartij'', '''CAP''') is a [[Vistaraland|Vistari]] political party, and the largest [[w:Social_democracy|social-democratic]] party in Vistaraland. Formerly, for a brief time in December 2020, known as the '''Alliance for Trade Unions and Cooperatives''' ([[W:Dutch language|Vistarian]]: ''Alliantie voor Vakbonden en Coöperaties'', '''AVC'''), the party stands on a platform of fighting for the Vistari working class - advocating for the promotion of [[W:Worker cooperative|worker-owned cooperatives]] and the granting of government protections for legally-recognized [[w:Trade_union|trade unions]].
The Cooperative Worker's Party formed during the shift in political organization during the suspension of the Imperial Advisory Council in December 2020, in order to begin enactment of the Second Vistari Constitution. Beginning officially as an activist group, due to the previously existing ban on [[W:Marxism|Marxist]] and [[W:Socialism|socialist]] political organizations, the then-named AVP was formed as a platform to advocate both the annulment of the laws blocking working-class organizations from participating in politics and for greater rights to be given to workers to organize. Members of the AVP, while primarily consisting of those previously unable to be granted a voice in Vistari politics, included a number of Representatives and local politicians associated with the recently dissolved Liberal-Progressive Party - primarily its more left-leaning Radical faction. The group also negotiated an agreement with the Imperial Workingman's Association as well as a number of legal trade unions in order to better integrate the often side-lined political wing of organized labour in Vistaraland. In addition, the AVP saw membership which included a number of members previously associated with the Socialist Reform League, though a majority of the organization decided against embracing the more moderate organization - staying with the League when it was later disbarred and reorganized into the Socialist Cause party. Due to the same voiding of ideological restrictions on political organizations that allowed the formation of Socialist Cause, the Cooperative Worker's Party was later registered under its current name to participate in the 2020 election on the 18th of December.
Currently, as the largest opposition party in the [[Imperial Parliamentary Council|Chamber of Representatives]], with 96 seats, the Cooperative Worker's Party leads the Formal Opposition, with Representatives leader Hessel Teuling leading the first recognized Shadow Cabinet. The party is a member of the [[New Progressive Group]], having joined in early 2021.
