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=== Modern Rißtten ===
In the subsequent centuries, Rißtten retained strong cultural connections across the sea. It is home to one of the few branches of the Cryrian Church outside of the Isles. The institution is remains celebrated for its role in Rißtten's uprising and continues to be an important presence in Rißttenner identity. Similarly, the ruling nobility continues to have family ties to the Cryrian aristocracy and the House of Leidensen, and by law Cryrian is preserved as the official language of government, education, and business, even as Arkian becomes more widely spoken on a day-to-day basis. Though the ethnically Cryrian population has been historically insular towards the rest of the confederation, it has grown increasingly Arkianized over time, particularly with the development of industry along its rivers and coasts. This has given rise to a unique mixture of Arkian and Cryrian culture which has at times been compared to similar confluences in the Cryrian city of Valngi.