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Cava interacted with a human-group ancestor species that rafted over form Yasteria 1.8 million years ago, likely outcompeting them due to their superior tool using ability at the time and forcing them into inhospitable areas in the eastern side of the continent.
Although highly disputed, evidence from uncovered tools suggests that cava hunter gatherers in modern Staynes may have domesticated and farmed several crops for a brief period of time approximately 500-300 Kya. It is unknown how developed this culture became, how long it lasted or why reversion to hunter-gathering occurred due to the advanced decay of the recovered artefacts. Agriculture was likely developed a second time approximately 100 Kya onwards from which tentative evidence of basic metalworking exists, entirely localised in the Axdelian peninsula. However, the onset of glaciation and more extreme climate conditions, expansion of a large tundra steppe and the subsequent failure of crops likely forced a return to hunter gathering.
Falling temperatures lead to a land bridge forming between Yasteria and Aurora at various points from 200 Kya onwards, leading to cava encountering migrating elves. Whilst there are signs of intraspecies violence, there is also significant evidence of coexisting communities in many regions. It is unknown why no Cava migrated northwards into Yasteria during this time. Humans arrived on the continent 50 Kya. The range of Cava in Aurora remained approximately the same as it had before, however with two other sapient species competing for the carrying capacity of the continent, populations in the center and east declined, whilst the Axdelian peninsula saw very little human or elf inhabitation and thus no significant change.
With the rise of complex civilisation on Aurora, Cava predominantly inhabited the West side of the continent where they were most populous, with elves and humans conversely inhabiting the central and East, although examples of significant cava populations were still in the area and vice versa. OppressionOver time oppression against smaller Cava populations in the East slowly drove a diaspora into the interior of mountainous regions and towards majority Cavan civilisations in the West. The Axdelian peninsula remainsand its neighbouring regions remain majority Cava to the present, although large minorities are present across the continent. Kéyan and Kormistazic colonisation of Arcturia has meant a significant Cava population exists on the South East coast and beyond, with [[Quariin]] being majority Cava. There was also another diaspora of Cava across Urth from the 16th century onwards with the fall of the Kormistazic empire, both as refugees and as colonists and labour by the Morstaybishlian empire.
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