Category:Political party: Difference between revisions

USE THIS ONE (added pledonia's political parties but after someone added theirs ig)
(USE THIS ONE (added pledonia's political parties but after someone added theirs ig))
Line 197:
| colspan="2" width="1" bgcolor="8D0D06" | || Folkets Arbeidernes Parti || People's Workers Party || Merli Cirivele || Communist || 4.24% ||{{Composition bar|25|600|hex=#8D0D06}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
= [[Pledonia]] =
{| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center; line-height:16px;"
! colspan="3" style="width:60px;"| Political Party
! rowspan="2" | Leader
! rowspan="2" | Political position<br />/ Ideology
! colspan="2" | Last election (2020)
! rowspan="2" | Status
! colspan="2" | Name
! Translated
! % of votes
! Seats
| width="1" bgcolor="0897E4" | || Demokratisk Frihetsparti || Democratic Freedom Party || Lukas Gronseth || Democratic Socialist || 44.5% || {{Composition bar|137|300|hex=#0897E4}} || {{yes|Government}}
| width="1" bgcolor="FF9E16" | || Bondepartiet av Pledonlandr || Agrarian Party of Pledonia || Jens Hauge || Agarian Conservative, Centrist || 21.7% || {{Composition bar|67|300|hex=#FF9E16}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="674EA7" | || Asatru Enhet Bevegelse || Asatru Unity Movement || Marion Aalvik || Asatru Conservatism || 8.4% || {{Composition bar|25|300|hex=#674EA7}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="393939" | || Jerfronten for Plendonlandr || Iron Front of Pledonia || Christer Aglen || Vestravan Pan-Nationalism, Fascist || 2.1% || {{Composition bar|0|300|hex=#393939}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="77C029" | || Miljø Ligaen || Environmentalist League || Amanda Evensen || Green Politics || 7.97% || {{Composition bar|24|300|hex=#77C029}} || {{no2|Opposition}}
| width="1" bgcolor="C62415" | || Folkets Samlingsparti || People's Unity Party || Svend Haugen || Social Democrats || 15.32% || {{Composition bar|47|300|hex=#C62415}} || {{yes|Government}}
Confirmed users, verified
