Cónaí Crisis of 1944: Difference between revisions

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During the course of the investigation, from November 1943 to the final conviction in May 1944, violent protests erupted, headed primarily by the [[Glywath|Gliúisín Fáthráin]], a paramilitary organization associated with the Alorist political movement, the Ansan Clique. These soon gave way to nation-wide clashes between law enforcement forces and pro-Alor armed militias, with Breasal Ausaláin, Streachailatóir of the [[Glywath|Gliúisín Fáthráin]] threatening armed uprising if the trial goes through.
Despite these threats, the trial formally began on March 19, 1944 with Aodhan Alor pleading not guilty on all charges, promising his supporters that he would continue running for an additional term even if convicted. While attempting to flee his residence in Imirodreath on April 3, Aodhan Alor was arrested by federal constables as requested by the Túistín Uachtarach which sought to arraign him the same day. The constables were ambushed by the [[Glywath|Gliúisín Fáthráin]] adjacent to the [[Álainnacht na hEalaíon]] while travelling down Iesca Plaza with Aodhan Alor freed from captivity shortly thereafter. A few days later, Aodhan Alor made his first public appearance in Trebran wherein he reasserted past statements of conspiracy against him by the [[Mirhaimian Séacarái|Séacarái]], and advocated for the resolution of the political crisis via"the public execution of the guilty and their accomplices", thereby declaring his intention for armed revolt.
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