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===Governmental System===
As of March 13th, 2017, Baykalia was converted into a crony oligarchy, with the Clan Leader and members of the Elite Council having total control of the nation. Baykalia was originally a direct democracy, consiting of a judicial and executive branch. The system of government was altered to an oligarchic system upon the accession of Lady Posol as the Clan Leader (CL), following multiple scandalous actions taken prior to Lady Posol's candidacy for CL, including a series of mergers performed by Posol Industries that resulted in Posol Industries obtaining a monopoly, the installation of a universal daycare center/ recreational center that influenced and propagandized the youth of Baykalia to become supportive of Lady Posol. This daycare also included a recreation center for children ages 16 and up, those age groups being able to vote. Upon the 2017 election, 83% of people ages 16-18 had voted for Lady Posol, resulting in a landslide victory for Mrs. Posol. Hours after taking office, Posol announced her choices for the Elite Council, the council of advisors to the CL, those choices being incumbents Lord Remis Posol (spouse of Lady Posol and CEO of Posol Industries), Yorov Worovich (CEO of Baykalian Broadcasting Service), Tivia Firivia (CEO of The Kuba Group, a company focused around children's products and services), and Jorkovol Wolinski (COO of Posol Industries). On April 3rd of the same year, Lady Posol proposed the decrease of power in the Judicial Branch. A vote took place a month later on May 3rd, with the people of Baykalia voting for the termination of the Judicial Branch, supplying Lady Posol and her Council with complete control over the people of Baykalia.
===Domestic Policy===