Autobahn in Endertopias: Difference between revisions

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Endertopias is a sparsely populated nation, with a population density of just 56 people per squared kilometer, the country consists of population centers surrounded by vast open plains of wilderness. Local state authorities started building roadways connecting cities to their relative suburbs in the 1910s, but this system does not resolve the issue of cross-country travel. In 1924, the state of Austermel introduced the first numbering system of Endertopias, creating the nation's first true highway.
In 1928, the Endertopian KassachamaKomeria Army reported that it took 37 days to travel between the easternmost city of Tenshily and the westernmost city of Exusia. In 1930, the Enderhalls passed the Better Roads Act. The act allocated $60 million per year for road constructions and improvements throughout the country. 10 years later in 1940, the act was succeeded by the Endertopian Highway Act, which sought to build a cross-country highway network and created a numbering system that's still in use today. The Endertopian Highway Act called for connections between preexisting local networks, however, roads in different areas were built to vastly different standards. Although the quality of said roads were massively improved after the Better Roads Act of 1930, the inconsistency was a pain to many people at the time. The Endertopian Highway Act did not specify any standards, which was considered its major pitfall. The roads constructed during this time would eventually become the nation's second tier roads.
The discussion for a new standardized highway system was rebooted in 1951, when a city planner Lester Megnon published a report detailing a 20,000-km network of highways connecting the nation's population centers and its implications, the idea of the Autobahn started to gain traction.
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# A88 -- completed June 21st, 1996
The ENNE was considered the most difficult expansion of the entirety of Autobahn. It traverses two mountain ranges, and constructions were forced by eco groups to reduce environmental impact to a minimum. A41 from Santisnow to Nortilus traverses the Skywynne Mountains, the highest point of Autobahn in Endertopias is the Heaven's Step near Santisnow, at 5,531188 m AMSL. The construction of the Skywynne Highway is hailed by some as an engineering marvel, the elevation difference of the A41 alone is over 4,700500 meter.
The total length of the expansion was 4,311 km. It took 12 years and $26.4 billion.
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=== Elevation ===
* '''Highest''': 5,531188 m (1817,147.2021 ft.): A41 at the Heaven's Step in the Skywynne Mountain Range.
* '''Lowest''': 0 m (0 ft.): A76 in Eastlairie Junction.
