Auroran Court of Justice: Difference between revisions

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The ACJ has the power to hold political leaders of the UNAC accountable for violations of Auroran law. This means it can impeach and order the removal from office of UNAC office-holders who violate Auroran law. In most instances the Prosecutor-General must bring such cases to the ACJ. It may try political leaders for violations of laws which fall within the exclusive jurisdiction of the UNAC but if the law has shared responsibility then the ACJ may ask the courts of member states to tackle the issue instead.
===Legal advisory===
Member states, the Council of the UNAC and the UNAC Commission have the right to approach the ACJ for an advisory opinion on certain types of legal questions. This means that there are no opposing parties and the decision that is handed down is non-binding. However, these advisory opinions carry significant weight as they preempt potential decisions that the court might face when faced with the same set of facts under similar legal and ethical conditions. This power has been criticized for this reason as it is perceived to offer a pretrial that is heavily based on the opinions, evidence and one-sided arguments of one party. Others argue that advisory opinions help guide the UNAC bodies to conform to Auroran law and it prevents unnecessary litigation by providing clarity on legal issues.
== Key officials ==
