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After some discussion in Auravas, King Skira decided to agree to the proposal of the Zemeprivadain parliament and, with the support of the Zemeprievadain parliament, rapidly assembled an invasion force. Queen Celestinas was not completely oblivious to the efforts of her parliament, and, correctly suspecting military resistance to her rule, assembled an army with the support of a number of loyalist nobles. In March of 1610, Skira invaded Zemeprievadai and initially faced little resistance, but clashed with loyalist forces in Zagjis. Auravasi forces captured Siaulme in late April with little resistance, as Celestinas and her forces had fallen back to the east of the country, establishing a temporary base of operations in the loyalist Pakzys. With Siaulme firmly in parliamentary control, Skira embarked on an expedition to rid Zemeprievadai of Celestinas, decisively defeating her in battle in early July, after which Celestinas went into hiding. Though many towns in eastern Zemeprievadai claim that the Queen fled there after her defeat, Celestinas' ultimate fate is currently uncertain. Upon his return to Siaulme, negotiations commenced between the parliament and King Skira. Eventually, Skira was declared King of Zemeprievadai in return for passing the Decree of Parliamentary Rights, empowering the Zemeprievadain parliament.
==== Centralization ====
==== Intellectual Revolution ====
