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|map_width=150px}}The '''Republic of Auravas''', commonly referred to as Auravas, is a nation in southeast [[Gondwana]], in the region of [[Kaskada]]. the Auravasi mainland is situated on the Kaskadan peninsula, bordering [[Zemeprievadai]] to the south. Auravas has extensive coastline, facing the Sea of Gondwana to the west and the Unovian Strait to the East. Kalana island to the east of the peninsula in the Unovian Strait is also a part of Auravas. Auravas has a total area of 98,181.73 km<sup>2</sup> and an estimated population of 916,014243,016716, with humans holding a slim plurality of the population at 29.9%, followed by elves with 25.7%.
Auravasi civilization dates back millennia to the Kalan and Heterad civilizations. Through the first millennia BCE, Auravas was characterized by a number of small warring polities, though they were united for a time under the Auravasi Confederation. The Kingdom of Auravas was founded in 1 BCE bu King Soroda of the Sekriat dynasty and saw major expansion into Kaskada in the following centuries, reaching a peak in power in the 700s to the 900s. Auravasi fortunes rapidly shifted during the Auravasi-Liesvozian wars of the 900s and 1000s, where Auravas lost large swathes of land to the ascendant Liesvozian Empire. Auravas was able to regain much of this land in the Kaskadan Succession War and entered a period of religious conflict between Silvists and the state-supported Shviesists. Following the conclusion of these conflicts, Auravas experienced a golden age of maritime expansion and culture. Centralization reforms coincided with the beginning stages of the Intellectual Revolution, a period of scientific and ideological development, culminating in the failed Auravasi Revolution.
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Starting in the early 800s BCE, a period of redevelopment appeared in the peninsula. The population had already been gradually rebuilding more complex sites, and the increased trade flowing in due to the newly united Tasirad Kingdom greatly accelerated this process. As trade centers grew and grew along with the population and food surpluses, organized, independent settlements began to rapidly grow across the peninsula, leading to the reestablishment of complex political structures in the new, fragmented landscape. The centuries following the revival would lead to the development of novel cultural features and political organizations in the Auravasi classical age.
For much of first few centuries following the urbanization, the Auravasi mainland would remain largely fragmented and at war, lacking the hegemony of any individual state. In the late 600s BCE, a number of reforms in the city state of Acrita heralded one of the earliest democratic governments in Auravas, following principles of direct democracy in a citizen's assembly. Accompanying the political reforms of this era was a cultural boom that influenced many fields such as architecture, literature, philosophy, and mathematics. ABy numberthe mid 6th century BCE, Auravasi civilization was culturally and economically thriving, and documentation of Tasiradthis invasionsera intois northernvastly Auravassuperior gaveto documentation of earlier history. During this period, the Tasirad Kingdom, far more powerful than any individual city-state, began encroaching on portions of the northern regions of the peninsula, establishing a foothold mainland Auravas, but a southern campaign was rebuked by a coalition of city states in the ''War of the Dictrian Coalition (543-537 BCE)'', named for the Kreden diplomat Dictri, who played a major part in assembling resistance to the Tasirad. This war would be the largest conflict Auravas had seen since the Two Kingdoms Era, and the Tasirad Kingdom would be pushed entirely off the mainland. The Dictrian Coalition later fell apart due to disputes over control of reconquered lands, and the eventual distribution of control would elevate the city-state of Urav to a powerful force in the coming centuries. Following the war, the documentation of the wars between the Tasirad Kingdom and the Auravasi states by Edov Kaval is considered the beginning of Auravasi historiography.
Throughout the 6th century BCE, the city of Urav had been consolidating a power base in central Auravas, either expanding its influence through wars of conquest orand, more often, peaceful integration into the UraviEdoic League, an alliance of states in central and northern Auravas which was dominated Edoicby LeagueUrav. Internally, Urav enjoyed a cultural and philosophical flourishing, and is one of three main sources of information regarding the 6th century BCE in Auravas, the other two being the Tasirad Kingdom and the city-state of Kreda. 500s BCE Urav was characterized by a complex system of government that split authority between a monarch and an elected leader who headed a council of citizens primarily chosen through sortition and a direct-democratic system. This system emerged due to the reforms of Kasda and his successor Medor in response to growing unrest in Urav. This system persevered till a period known as The Struggle (539 - 516 BCE), a period of political and occasionally violent conflict between democratic and monarchical factions in reaction to the actions of King Oyosur during the War of the Dictrian Coalition, eventually ending in the abolishment of the monarchy. The Struggle is often glorified in Auravas due to it being one of the earliest major democratic, anti-monarchy revolutions. Urav received extensive territory during the reorganization of northern Auravas following the War of the Dictrian Coalition, which led to the breakdown of the coalition but also contributed to Urav’s increasing power. The Uravi peak of power is generally considered starting with Urav's victory over its historical rival, Tidren, at the Battle of Akras in 499 BCE. For centuries, Urav would be the dominant military and cultural power in Auravas, especially in the northern portions of the peninsula.
The Kingdom of Tasirad was already in decline by the time of its crushing defeat at the hands of the Dictrian Coalition due to constant war with the rising mainland and a decline of regional power, and the war sealed its grave, as regional magnates refused to recognize the authority of the crown. The removal of a uniting authority initiated a bloody civil war period on the island, lasting until the Peace of the Vultures in 463, in which the Kingdom of Dukala subjugated a number of Kalan states and bound the rest in an alliance framework that forbade internal conflicts, reuniting the island under an, albeit much more decentralized, authority.
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===== Philosophical Developments =====
Through the new central force that now controlled a large portion of the Shviesist world, the priestly class of the temples saw an opportunity to extend their authority and religious influence, while the authorities of the Confederation saw a way to further legitimize their power by obtaining the backing of a centralized religious authority. In 333 BCE, A group of priests from the most influential temples in Auravas, which had already maintained an informal network of connections, held the General Council of Uravin, which proclaimed a central authority over Shviesism, referred to as the Shviesist Council, the first time a central authority had been proclaimed over the religion. The Shviesist Council received support for this proclamation by the Assembly, tying together the authorities of the Confederacy and the Council. Though the Council proclaimed authority over all of Shviesism, the actual influence of the Council was largely restricted to the territory of the Confederation, with those in modern day Zemeprievadai generally continuing to operate independently.
==== Savir's War ====
Line 195 ⟶ 196:
In 136 BCE, the largest internal conflict the Confederation had seen began, as legions of Kalanan peasants rose up against Confederation authority, driven by agricultural deficits, lingering separatist sentiments, and support from ambitions local nobles. The rebels made rapid progress, occupying almost all regions of the island, save for some small holdouts on the southwest coast, in only a few months. Caught off guard by the revolt, the federal assembly hosted an emergency vote to empower one of the most popular of the Directorate, a statesman named Dioran Savir, with increased power over the state and the military for the duration of the crisis. Savir proved to be be an adept military commander, quickly crushing the revolt and re-asserting control over the island. Savir was also an ambitious man, however, and he wished to maintain his increased power over the Confederation. When the Assembly requested Savir to give up authority over the army he had assembled to crush the revolt, Savir refused under the pretense of maintaining security after the revolt. Though Savir hoped his popularity among the Assembly would allow him to continue to govern for some time, many members of the Assembly grew concerned over his refusal to give up power, and the assembly and remaining directorate began to build up an army if conflict escalated. Once again, the Assembly ordered Savir to step down, and he realized he had misjudged his influence.
As Savir already had control over Kalana with his army, he declared independence from the Confederation and Sovereign Authority over the island. Though the Assembly had greater resources at their disposal, they hadmilitary notforces builtwere upin athe militaryhands forceof yetSavir, and as such, Savir decided to launch his attack on the mainland immediately. Though some initial progress was made, Savir's forces were repulsed just a few dozen kilometers north of Urav at the battle of Akarsa, and his retreating forces were encircled and routed, Savir being captured and later executed.
'''Decline of the Confederation'''
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The threat that Savir posed to the power of regional authorities within the Confederation greatly worried members of the Federal Assembly, who wanted to preserve their autonomy and began to see the central authorities of the Confederation as a threat. As such, the Assembly decided to greatly increase the autonomy of the members of the Confederation and dissolve many of the roles of the Confederation, including that of the Directorate, devastating the central authority of the Confederation and reducing it to less of a unified state and more akin to a league of autonomous polities bound into mutual defense and barebones economic and political regulations.
Over time, the restriction on internal conflict interfered with the ambitions of the now empowered regional leaders. In the ''Ardalite War (96 BCE - 87 BCE),'' Tritac of Ardal, one of the most powerful states in the Confederation at the time, broke the agreement of non-aggression between the member states of the confederation by invading the territory of the city-state of Parad, and the Assembly called for the recruitment of a pan-Confederation military force to curb the act of aggression. However, many other states defied the authority of the Assembly, andwith some of the more ambitious ones evenmany pledgedpledging support for the powerful Ardal state against the Confederation joint armies. What followed was a peninsula-wide war, pitting the armies of the Confederation against those who defied Confederation authority, a war in which the defiant states were eventually victorious, dissolving the Confederation. During the war, some Kalanan states backed the Ardalite forces in exchange for more control of the island in the peace deal, but many sided with the Confederation with the promise of autonomy post war. The war further inflamed as the leaders of the defiant realms severed ties between the priests of their lands and the central authority of the Shviesist Council, further disempowering the Confederation. In their place, the now independent priests created autonomous religious orders within each independent state. The peace treaty after the war was quite harsh to the defenders of the Confederation, many states being partitioned, annexed, or otherwise subjugated by the attacker states, and those that escaped territorial exchange were forced to pay heavy reparations to Ardal. Following the peace, the Shviesist Council practically dissolved, as the political landscape was now dominated by independent realms that swore no allegiance to the Council.
WarPeace would only last a decade, however, as the ''Second Ardalite War (71 BCE - 65 BCE)'' quickly followed due to the former states of the Ardalite coalition feeling as though they had been cheated in the peace deal, as Ardal and the states with the greatest ties to them had reaped much of the territorial and monetary victories of the Ardalite War. In this war, Ardal suffered a devastating loss, ending their short quasi-hegemony over the states of Auravas. After these two wars and the breakdown of central authority, the political landscape of Auravas was more reminiscent of the fragmented times of Dictri, no one power dominating the rest.
==== Broken States Period ====
AfterThe period after the fall of the confederation and the Ardalite Wars, the scientific and cultural growth that the period saw rapidly ceased as the warring environment did not provide enough stability for such innovation. This period was instead characterized by a return to hereditary rule after the quasi-republican nature of the confederation and petty wars between the kingdoms. Due to this, royal dynasties took a much more prominent role in political affairs, as though one person's rule would be limited to their realm, families in entirety could rule vast swathes of land. OutLooking ofto the many dynasties ofempower the period,religious eachauthorities ofonce them had a Shviesist patron deity. In 44 BCEmore, the Sacred Guard was created in 44 BCE, an alliance of the most powerful statesorders of each deity, in order to crush anti-shviesist states and leaders that opposed the orders.
==== Rise of The Sekriat Dynasty ====
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Auravas' decisive victory gave the Kingdom control of most of the Zemeprievadain city-states north of the Kaskadan Mountains, and by extension control of Unovian trade.
==== [---------]Mervi Plague ====
With the defeat of many of the Zemeprievadain states, Auravas gained a new dominance over trade routes in the Sea of Gondwana, and this coupled with the prosperity Auravas had enjoyed for the past few centuries had led to large scale population growth and interconnectivity within the country. However, this combination of population and connection would prove a ripe ground for disease to take hold. The first recorded case of the Mervi Plague was in the city of Mervus, a east coast town near the modern day border between Auravas and Zemeprievadai. In 533, local official records note a strange disease afflicting a man named Pirin Esetl, and over the next few days, this disease would spread to the other residents of the city. As Mervus was a semi-major port city, the plague's origin is speculated to be abroad and brought to Auravas through naval trade. From there, the plague rapidly spread throughout the country, with the extensive routes and dense population of Auravas aiding in its spread. Even the royal family was not spared from the disease, as many children of the king, King Eorent, caught the disease and passed away. Only by 539 did the plague loosen its grip on Auravas, by this point taking many lives.
~500s, greatly crippled Auravas
Modern analysis of the disease is split on the exact nature of the disease, though most scholars consider the disease to be a form of smallpox. There is no one ancient interpretation of the disease, though many believed it was a divine curse or even a sign of the world's end. This disease would cripple Auravas, a significant blow to its economy, population, and living standards, and trigger the Two Centuries of Disaster, which would only end due to the efforts of King Tasin and King Asuna during the Rejuvenation. During this period, wars and poor rulership would continue to plague Auravas after the actual plague crippled it.
==== Second Southern Campaign ====
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==== Era of Asuna ====
The period between the end of the Third Southern Campaign and the Auravasi-Liesvozian wars is known as the Era of Asuna, and is known for the prosperity and increase in power Auravas saw during this era. In this period, Auravas was the largest and most influential power in the Kaskada region and projected its influence far past Kasada.
The Auravasi had regularly traded with the natives of Hayaneste for their valuable raw resources and had established a significant naval presence in and around the Floosian Strait due to their status as a major naval trading power. In order to expand Auravasi trade and influence and entrench it deeper into the strait, King Asuna saw it fit to establish a holding on the shores of the strait itself. In 750, a fleet funded by the crown and under the command of naval commander Apitim Osna landed at a site on the northeast coast of Hayaneste, where modern day Ewising stands and established the city of Sevnik. Over the next few years, the city would see rapid development and expansion, partially sponsored by the Auravasi government. The reaction of the Hlenderian natives, who had already established regular interaction with the Auravasi through trade, received the new settlement quite amicably, and trade between the citizens of Sevnik and by proxy Auravas and the native peoples sharply increased in the following decades. Sevnik gave Auravas a southern port and an even more firmly established position in the strait, and numerous expeditions were launched from the city bound eastward up the Gondwanan coast and possibly to Arcturia.
Something something Joralesia is my clay
==== Auravasi-Liesvozian Wars ====
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==== Era of Liesvozia ====
As the ability of Auravas to project influence across the Sea of Gondwana declined with successive losses to the Liesvozian Empire, Sevnik became more and more disconnected from Auravasi authority, and within a few decades of the final Auravasi defeats in the Auravasi-Liesvozian Wars, the city had asserted its independence, transforming into a very wealthy city-state that lived off trade.
==== '''[[Kaskada Succession War|Kaskadan Succession War]]''' ====
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==== Maritime Expansion ====
Auravas emerged from the Silvist Conflicts a far more militaristic and centralized state than it entered it, the territories gained during the Succession war now firmly under control of the monarch. Auravas significantly built up its naval forces, the power of which had declined during the Era of Liesvozia, and significant interest in the pre-Liesvozian era of Auravas emerged, partially due to its powerful presence, particularly on the seas, and this interest quickly expanded to other elements Pre-Liesvozian Auravas, such as architecture and painting, creating a rebirth of the peak of Auravasi culture. The novel ''The Voyages'', written in 1344 by Oras RatiskTasik and chronicling the journeys of an early 9th century Auravasi navigator, is regarded as a key work of Auravasi literature and has contributed greatly to the modern understanding of both the evolution of the Auravasi language as well as Auravasi views of previous eras during the time period.
Over the course of the 14th and 15th centuries, Auravas would extensively explore and revive trade in the areas around it, constantly pushing farther and farther into uncharted or poorly mapped territory. In 1395, admiral Nakaz Sivprasra led a large expedition along the western coast of Gondwana, reaching the Sultanate of Sayyed, bringing back large quantities of jewelry and Sayqidi literature. Further contact between the two civilizations would be established in the coming decades, with a number of trade-focused treaties being organized between the states, giving Auravasi merchants a near monopoly in Cerenerian Southwest Gondwanan trade.
With the resurgence of Auravasi power in the 1300s, repossessing and expanding its former hold on trade was made a priority. In the centuries since its independence, Sevnik had continued to function as a trade nexus, building up a substantial naval force to defend against pirates and empires. In 1385, an advance force of Auravasi ships was repelled by the bulk of the Sevnik navy off the coast of the mainland, but it was followed by a more substantial fleet that engaged and decisively defeated the Sevnik navy. With the resistance destroyed, the Auravasi force was able to sail into the Sevnik harbor, taking the city with the help of an overland force. The next few decades would see a number of new Auravasi settlements across the northern coast of Hayaneste. While the former governors of the city-state of Sevnik were disinterested in further expansion on the island and maintained cordial relations with the native Hlenderian people for trading and defense purposes, the new Auravasi settlements would rapidly grow and begin to settle deeper into the island. This expansion incurred resistance from many of the native groups, who led coordinated attacks on the colonies, which the colonial forces frequently returned in kind. By the mid-1400s, Auravas had control of the general territory of modern day Joralesia.
==== Auravasi Golden Age ====
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One of the most prominent parts of the Auravasi Golden Age was the diversification of religious belief. With the widespread usage of the printing press and the rise in literacy, older religious texts gained new prominence and spread alongside contemporary religious movements, which also rapidly spread, both challenging the conventional notions of Shviesism in Auravas. The most prominent sect that diverged from orthodox Shviesism in this period was Antoya, which [religionstuff]
==== Auravasi-Ethalrian Rivalry ====
In 1499, a fleet led by Ethalrian explorer Waltraud Vogel reached Sevnik, the first contact between Ethalria and Auravas.hugyvugcfxgcfgkhjgcydttuig
==== Union With Zemeprievadai ====
Line 297 ⟶ 306:
After some discussion in Auravas, King Skira decided to agree to the proposal of the Zemeprivadain parliament and, with the support of the Zemeprievadain parliament, rapidly assembled an invasion force. Queen Celestinas was not completely oblivious to the efforts of her parliament, and, correctly suspecting military resistance to her rule, assembled an army with the support of a number of loyalist nobles. In March of 1610, Skira invaded Zemeprievadai and initially faced little resistance, but clashed with loyalist forces in Zagjis. Auravasi forces captured Siaulme in late April with little resistance, as Celestinas and her forces had fallen back to the east of the country, establishing a temporary base of operations in the loyalist Pakzys. With Siaulme firmly in parliamentary control, Skira embarked on an expedition to rid Zemeprievadai of Celestinas, decisively defeating her in battle in early July, after which Celestinas went into hiding. Though many towns in eastern Zemeprievadai claim that the Queen fled there after her defeat, Celestinas' ultimate fate is currently uncertain. Upon his return to Siaulme, negotiations commenced between the parliament and King Skira. Eventually, Skira was declared King of Zemeprievadai in return for passing the Decree of Parliamentary Rights, empowering the Zemeprievadain parliament.
==== Centralization ====
==== Intellectual Revolution ====
Line 333 ⟶ 340:
The monarchy did not respond with complete passivity, however. With a mobilized army still partially under monarchical control as well as a police force and the backing of the panicked upper class, the monarchy was able to suppress the worker mobilization in a number of cities, instituting martial law in many suppressed territories. Soon, frontlines solidified as the crown attempted to hold on to its authority. In the capital of Uravin, urban warfare had broken out between the revolutionary forces and monarchist forces, with substantial territory, including the Assembly building, being held by the revolutionary forces but the Royal Palace being held by monarchist forces. In a show of power and confidence, King Mir had not evacuated the city, electing to stay in the Royal Palace. On August 3rd, 1883, the leader of the now mobilized PSDA, Sival Dyra, proclaimed the founding of the Republic of Auravas, triggering the August Clashes within the revolutionary-occupied territories as members of the PSDA and members of the RAC who were willing to incorporate with the newly formed republican government clashed with the RACs that wanted to preserve their existing regional council structures without the oversight of a national government who found authority through the Assembly. In the Uralia City Commune, a plebiscite was organized on the matter of recognizing the authority of the Republic of Auravas, ending in a majority supporting integration. Despite this, the city would remain functionally independent till post-war reforms.
As the clashes between pro-republic and anti-republic forces threatened to divide the revolutionary movement, many leaders began to fear a similar situation to the Republican Revolution, in which divides in the revolution would allow monarchical forces to overcome the movement and reinstate authority of the crown. In order to assemble a unified front against the monarchy, the various revolutionary forces met and created the Central Committee for the Revolution, uniting the various forces under the banner of the Auravasi Armed Revolutionary Forces, and eventually passing the Socialist Future Agreement on March 6th, 1884, which recognized the authority of the Republic of Auravas, under the provisional governance of the Central Committee, over the revolutionary forces while giving all members of the Central Committee a say in the post revolution political landscape.
By 1886, fighting in Uravin turned decisively in favor of the Revolutionary Forces as the socialists slowly forced their way through monarchist defenses. On July 26, the Revolutionary Forces finally reached the Royal Palace of Auravas and engaged in battle with members of the King's Guard. After the Guard was overcome, the Storming of the Royal Palace commenced, in which the armed revolutionaries and unarmed groups that had gathered during the battle stormed the Royal Palace and took King Mir captive, a massive blow to the monarchist movement, which was now rapidly losing ground to the Republic. With the fall of Uravin to the Revolutionary Forces, the city became the seat of the Central Committee, who began drafting plans for the post-war structure of the Republic. Once again, disputes over the organization of the Republic arose, with one group, dominated by the PSDA, advocating for a centralized parliamentary system while the CAU advocated for a more decentralized system of councils.
Meanwhile, monarchist forces persisted in some regions, rallying under the leadership of General Oro Saryun, who had taken control of the monarchist forces following the capture of King Mir. Though Saryun officially proclaimed he desired to restore the monarchy, his personal intentions were to establish a military dictatorship under his rule once asserting power over the country. He had begun to plot a coup to take over the administration, drawing support from the growing mistrust of the King among high level officers as the monarchists progressively lost more and more land, but the capture of the King by the rebel forces made the coup unnecessary. Under his command, the monarchist forces would hold out in small pockets across the country for several years, until the final monarchist stronghold fell to the Revolutionary Forces in 18881887, and General Saryun committed suicide on September 2, marking the end of a unified government resistance.
==== Post-Revolution ====
As the revolution came to a close, intense debates raged in the Central Committee over the structure of the new republic, with different factions advocating for different methods of governance. Eventually, the differing groups came to agreement and the Constitution of the Republic of Auravas was passed by the Committee on June 9, 18901887. This Constitution established a unitary socialist parliamentary democracy, in which the means of production are owned by the public and worker cooperatives. The Auravasi Armed Revolutionary Forces were incorporated into the new republic as the Armed Forces of Auravas. The constitution included many major reforms such as instituting universal suffrage, separating the church and state, and major labor reforms. The final part of the constitution called for the dissolution of the Central Committee for the Revolution and the passing of authority over the Republic to the Assembly upon the creation of the first government. The Autonomous Worker's Commune of Uralia was dissolved and merged with the political structures established for the rest of the country.
In the lead up to the first election, political factions consolidated along the lines of the factions in the revolution, with most pre-war parties besides the PSDA losing their support base due to their opposition to the popular revolution. The main two parties immediately post-war thus were the PSDA, with an already established party and place in the Assembly, and the newly formed Party of the Councils, which was comprised of those who supported a style of governance closer to the RAC's and leaned into anarchist and syndicalist ideology.
[Some stuff about the first election]
=== Republic of Auravas ===
Line 348 ⟶ 355:
=== Literature ===
Auravas has a long and rich literary history. The earliest deciphered literature in Auravas dates back to the poetic inscriptions made by the Heterad Civilization, most often found within temples and tombs. During the period between the Heterad domination of Auravass and the Urbanization period, the Heterad script falls out of use and the development of the Auravasi language begins. Literature begins becoming prominent during the urbanization period, during which written works explode in popularity and diversity, particularly within the Uravi dialect of the language. Auravasi texts touched numerous subjects, from military and philosophy to astronomy and geography. Equally as important was the expansion of other forms of literature such as lyrical poetry and theater, both of which greatly contributed to the development of the Auravasi language. The later years of the Urbanization period saw the development of prose literature, with notable Auravasi novels being composed in the last few centuries of the BCE era.
Literature in the early Kingdom of Auravas is characterized by a continuation of lyrical poetry and prose, with the development and expansion of different genres of literature, and the development of two key epics of Auravas, the _______ and ________. The destruction and hardship of the Two Centuries of Disaster leads to the development of poetry that sought to portray the suffering everyday Auravasi people go through, while prose went in a different direction, as historical fiction and early science fiction grew to great prominence. During the Revival and Era of Asuna, Auravasi literature saw further genre developments, continually distancing itself from the works of ancient Auravas, a trend that completely reversed during the Era of Liesvozia, as Auravasi authors emulated the styles of the Auravasi ancient works in an attempt to maintain cultural superiority in a political landscape that saw Auravas more marginalized than it had been in centuries.
The Auravasi Golden Age brought about a new age of literary development, widely considered to begin with the release of ''The Voyagers'' in 1344, and numerous key works of Auravasi literature were composed during this Age. With the emergence of the printing press, the patronization of monarchs, and the rising wealth and influence of Auravas, the country became known for an incredibly prominent printing industry. Along with the conventional poetry and prose of Auravas, the Golden Age saw the emergence of new philosophical and scientific texts as well as the spread of key religious texts such as ______, which played a major factor in the diversification of Auravasi religion. The Intellectual Revolution saw a sharp increase of philosophical works, many of which were influential in the political developments of the 18th and 19th centuries. The 19th century saw major developments in Auravasi novels, with the author Korro Tyranda being considered one of if not the greatest writer in Auravasi history. The 20th century saw the development of the ______ movement, which emphasized __________.
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=== Population===
The population in Auravas in 20222024 is estimated to be 916,014243,016716.
===Language ===
Line 438 ⟶ 449:
===The Assembly===
not canon
{{Election results
|image=[[File:Auravas 2020 parliamentAuravasParliament.png]]
|party1=Socialist People's Party|seats1=9586|colour1=#E06666e06666
|party2=The New Direction|seats2=6754|colour2=#6FA8DCff0000
|party3=Union Party|seats3=6540|colour3=#EA99995e0000
|party4=People's Alliance|seats4=2232|colour4=#B6D7A8ea9999
|party5=Peace and Labor Party|seats5=1426|colour5=#B86363aad399
|party6=Green Party|seats6=1325|colour6=#C30000274e13
|party7=Communist Party of Auravas|seats7=1018|colour7=#FFD966bd2323
|party9=Party of the Councils|seats9=79|colour9=#919191830000
|party10=Centre Party|seats10=57|colour10=#7DD4B7ffe085
|party11=Reason Party|seats11=43|colour11=#556DB8919191
|party12=Values Front|seats12=32|colour12=#8E7CC3006d71
Line 718 ⟶ 728:
The Armed Forces of Auravas were created in _____ out of the Auravasi Armed Revolutionary Forces following the people's revolution. Due to the failure of the original Auravasi Revolution, the Auravasi military would be generally well funded and decently sizable, and though those metrics have decreased in recent years due to the protection afforded by growing ties to the Federation of the Southern Coast, this trend has generally been maintained, especially due to the presence of Silvist Korćetta. Auravas relies on its proportionally substantial military force and the extensive Kaskadan mountain ranges for its overland defense, with portions of the mountains being fortified and ready to establish a defensive line in the case of southern invasion. The Auravasi navy was historically one of the most prominent forces in the Sea of Gondwana. This policy has been maintained to the modern day, with Auravas possessing a rank 4 blue water navy, due to Auravas' extensive coastline, strategic naval location, and lack of substantial nearby allies. The Armed Forces of Auravas havealso participated substantially in ainternational numberconflicts, particularly against imperialist forces and in support of socialist forces. Some conflicts, includingthat the Armed Forces of Auravas have participated in include _____.
==Economics ==
Line 744 ⟶ 754:
===Energy ===
Auravas derives a large portion of its energy from hydroelectricnuclear power. Up until the 1960s, whichthe hasprimary beenenergy source in Auravas was hydroelectric power, made viable by Auravas' abundant waterways and mountainous terrain. ConcernsDue haveto beenconcerns raised regarding the impact hydroelectric plants could have on the environment and with increasing ties to the Federation of the Southern Coast in the 60s, which had been stockpiling nuclear material and aswas suchundergoing its own transition to nuclear energy, Auravas also transferred to primarily nuclear power. Despite the shift, hydroelectric power has remained the secondary source of energy in Auravas, though Auravas has implemented a number of safeguards against extensive environmental degradation, including evaluating the potential environmental impact of a plant prior to construction and close monitoring and mitigation of such impacts, such as pathways for aquatic fauna and erosion control measures. InAuravas 2003,conducts thesubstantial Nuclearresearch Transitionaryregarding Programthe wasenvironmental initiated, a multi-decade programimpacts of researchnuclear and infrastructurehydroelectric constructionenergy toand transferhow athey largecan portionbe ofmade Auravas'more energyefficient productionand to nuclear power. In recent yearssafe, thein Program has been revised to account forcollaboration increasedwith research cooperationinstitutes betweenin the Council of Gondwana and the Red Crown Economic Union.
