Astolfo de Naranza-Carratéo: Difference between revisions

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{{Infobox royalty
| name = Astolfo de Naranza-Carratéo
| title = Royal Adjutant to the King of Antora<br/>Vice-Commander of [[Inter-Novaran Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance|INTRA]]<br>Master of the KnightlyChivalric Order of the Red Eagle
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Astolfo re-entered the public eye under his true identity on February 10th, 2022 during a session of the Royal Corric Popular Assembly. Heading a party of Royal Corric Gaurds, Quill contractors, government officials, and public servants that were part of the Red Eagle Project, Astolfo and the Duke of Guimaredes revealed the Royalist conspiracy to Prime Minister Orellana and King Sebastián II, as well as the public via the televised broadcast of the legislative meeting. The Duke presented the four decades worth of evidence of treason and corruption to the King, while Astolfo had all conspirators present in the Assembly arrested as well. After a tense conversation with his brother, Astolfo orated a speech to the Assembly on democratic values, the rights of nations to determine their own paths, and the importance of the "will of the people" which reference his father's annexation of Catrás and the conflicts he had participated in. This impromptu speech resulted in members of the Assembly voting to rename the nation to "Antora," referencing a portion of Astolfo's speech where he identifies the disparate representation of the various groups within the nation.
As a result of his return to public life, King Sebastián II re-appointed his brother to the Royal Cabinet as the Royal Adjutant to the King, making Astolfo the third-highest government officer in the nation. While Sebastián was not allowed to abdicate in favor of his brother, which he wished to do but was prevented from by Astolfo's legal omission from the succession for more than thirty years, he granted his brother and nephew the titles of Prince-Emeritus. This title conveys a lifelong status of royalty with the authority and privledges associated with the rank of Prince, but cannot be passed down to offspring. Astolfo spent the majority of February assisting with reorganizing and streamlining certain parts of the government, and assisted with the transition of state institutions to the new name of Antora. He founded the Chivalric Order of the Red Eagle together with his brother the King on February 28th, combining the Royal Corric Guard and the Company of the Quill. On March 1st, he volunteered for an appointment as the Antoran ambassador to the [[League of Novaris]], after the previous ambassador's conduct was found to be outside the accepted norms of diplomacy. Since Februray 15th, he has no longer served as an active executive of QDC, Inc., leaving the business to his son Miguel and remaining only a minority shareholder. After the creation of the [[Inter-Novaran Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance|INTRA]] alliance, Astolfo was assigned as the Antoran representative and resigned from the League. He was nominated as the alliance's first Vice-Commander in April of 2022.
== Private Career ==
