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=== Volscine Civil War ===
The end of the Cold War and the outbreak of the Volscine Civil War left Astela adrift and without its great power patron. The GUG found itself struggling to maintain power amidst a crippling economic collapse and the loss of outside support. Faced with this difficult scenario, the GUG sought to normalize ties with Celanora, which itself hoped to stave off the disaster that would come with an Astelan collapse and a potential need to absorb the dilapidated territory. Cryrian-brokered negotiations resulted in the 2003 Treaty of Talvere, which finally saw the GUG relinquish its claim to Celanora, and in turn led Celanora to recognize Astela as a separate and fully independent nation. The border between the two nations also saw a limited drawdown of forces and a reduction in tensions, allowing both nations to rededicate their resources to their increasingly unstable Volscine frontiers.
Despite the notable impacts of the Treaty of Talvere, hopes for liberalization within the GUG were soon dashed. The Astelan government instead doubled down on trying to maintain its autocratic rule, frequently engaging in openly criminal enterprises in order to keep itself afloat. Reports quickly spread of severe abuses by Astelan security forces towards Volscine refugees fleeing from Seccera, which ranged from the establishment of forced labor camps to supposed arrangements with sapient trafficking groups that could offer hard currency. Astela also established a secretive trade with the Milofite government across the Sherman Channel in order to acquire desperately needed foodstuffs. Thus, despite the normalization with Celanora, Astela's international isolation only grew as the Civil War progressed.
Today, Astela remains both fiercely autocratic and secretive, and its economy still struggles to recover from the Volscine Civil War and the subsequent sanctions it has faced. The military government remains in power and has sought out new patronage from the Volscine Empire even as tensions with neighboring Seccera remain high and future relations with Celanora deeply uncertain.
== Government and Politics ==
Although the Astelan Constitution allows for multi-party democracy, the State of Emergency that has persisted since the Great War has prevented any kind of political organizations from forming. The National Senate thus exists only on paper, with no elections to fill it ever having been held. Instead the General Unity Government is effectively run by the military, with the National Security Council serving as the chief decision making body in the country. Current Chairman Moreno Reo has held power since 1997.
=== Foreign Relations ===
Astela's primary historical ally has been Volscina, which remains the country's largest patron. Beyond Volscina's political sphere, Astela is fiercely isolated within Novaris, and holds particularly poor relations with neighboring Seccera. Ties with Celanora are complicated. Since 2003, there has been an official exchange of embassies between the two nations, and Celanora continues to be Astela's second-largest trading partner. However, security among their shared border remains high as Astela seeks to prevent defections. Astela has also held relations with Cryria dating back to Queen Katharine's support during the 1907 Coup. Leidenstad remains one of the few countries to have an exchange of embassies with Astela, but here too mutual ties remain limited due to Astela's general international isolation.
