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[[File:Christian_Wulff_Cropped.jpg|right|thumb|200px|Jörg Renatsch, the current President of the Republic of Asilica]]
The President of the Republic of Asilica is the country's Head of State. The President is elected by popular vote to a term of eight years and cannot be re-elected. Candidates are nominated by the National Assembly meeting in joint session, where the Grand Council and the Senate meet as one unified body. Any political party that has representation in the National Assembly may nominate a candidate, but in order to be placed on the ballot, a candidate must receive at least 20% of the vote from the joint session. Additionally, a candidate may be nominated for the Presidency by the people directly, via a petition signed by at least 3% of the population of the country from at least threeeight out of the ninetwenty-two cantons and canton-level municipalities. If no candidate for President achieves a majority in the election, there is a runoff 6030 days later with only the top-two vote receivers. While candidates are nominated by political parties, they are listed as non-partisan on the ballot and are required to renounce all party affiliation in order to assume office.
There have been 27 Presidents of the Republic of Asilica. The incumbent, Jörg Renatsch, was elected on January 30th, 2020.
