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===Contemporary History===
Since its foundation, Asilica has centered its political ideology around neutrality. Having been founded as an "asylum" away from the violence of competing foreign powers in the midst of an international war, the founding fathers of Asilica vowed to never again become involved in "foreign entanglements," an oath to which all successive governments have held. Indeed, the South Ethalrian agreement to side explicitly with Morstaybishlia in the [[Posolic Wars]] was unpopular, and Asilican participation ended after the end of the offensive in southern Aurora in 1800. This was the last Asilican involvement in an international war. The only significant exception to this policy is the [[Tripartite Pact of Amity]] signed in Asilica with [[Mexregiona]] and [[Reijia]]. All three countries are relatively commerce-focused republics and signed the agreement to further integrate their economies. Over time, some political integration was established, such as allowing citizens of each state to reside in the other states without a visa. While there is some limited cooperation in international affairs, military matters are explicitly outside the agreement's purview, a condition insisted upon by the governments of both Asilica and Mexregiona.
[[File:Ethaln league flag.png|right|thumb|200px|The flag of the Ethaln League.]]
War broke out on the continent of Aurora several times after the foundation of Asilica, most notably the [[Great War]] in 1904, the [[Auroran Imperial War]] in 1970, and the [[Auroran-Pacific War]] in 2017. Asilica took no side in any of these conflicts. The most central idea of Asilican neutrality, as defined by the Constitutional Court, is that Asilica cannot align itself within a military alliance. Other kinds of international cooperation are possible, although historically, Asilicans are still reticent to become too closely involved with any other country. Asilica never joined, nor was there political will for Asilica to join, the Auroran continental alliances such as the Auroran Continental Assembly and the Auroran Union. In 2018, Asilica joined the Single Auroran Market by signing a bilateral treaty with the [[UNAC]]. Membership in the SAM grants Asilica access to an open market across the continent with no border controls, but it does not grant UNAC membership, and requires Asilica to conform its regulations in a number of areas, such as fishing and food quality standards. Members in generally been viewed as popular among the Asilican people as an economic benefit, however, opinion polls continually show very low support among the Asilican public for full UNAC membership. The highest ever result in a poll for UNAC membership was 38%, in 2019.