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[[Staynish]]|ethnic_groups=74.6% [[Species|Elven]] <br /> 10.6% [[w:Human|Human]] <br> 8.2% [[Cava]] <br> 6.6% [[Species|Other]]|ethnic_groups_year=2023}}
'''Aranthia''', officially the '''Kingdom of Aranthia''' is a country located in southern [[Aurora]]. It shares land borders with six countries, being [[Qayam]], [[Great Morstaybishlia]], [[Drakaland]], [[Sarentria]], [[Asilica]], and [[Rosalica]]. Aranthia's southern border is primarily occupied by the Azure Sea. Its eighteen integrial counties make up the nation's land area of ----- and have a total population of 72.8 million as of January 2024. Aranthia is a unitary parliamentary contitutional monarchy with its capital in Faelarien, the country's largest city and main cultural and commercial centre; other major urban areas in Aranthia include [[Calaquendi]], [[Vanyarion]], [[Eldarion]], [[Eärfalas]], [[Eldalondë]], and [[Aeloria]].
Aranthia was largely settled by tribes of Usprian Elves known as Nimlothiens during the ancient period, before swathes of Yasterian elves migrated to the Auroran continent and sought refuge with the fledgling Usprian Elvish kingdoms in southern Aurora, leading to a unique Yasterian-Usprian elven culture today known as modern Aranthiani. Cultural differences between the two elven subspecies led to a strong power vacuum in what is today known as the [[Mithlonde Struggle]]. These proxy wars between duchies and smaller communities of Yasterian and Usprian elves lasted for a good portion of the middle ages, into the early 19th century, before the [[Thalorian Compact]] in 1821 united the duchies into the modern-day Kingdom of Aranthia.
== Etymology ==
== History ==
=== Prehistoric ===
=== Antiquity (6th century BC - 5th century AD) ===
=== Early Middle Ages (500s - late 900s) ===
=== High and Late Middle Ages (1000s - mid 1400s) ===
=== Aranthii Renaissance (late 1400s - late 1600s) ===
=== Final Years of the Mithlonde Struggle (1700s - 1800s) ===
=== New Thalorian Aranthia (1821 - 1851) ===
=== Early to mid-20th century (1900 - 1950) ===
=== 1950-present or Modern Aranthia ===
== Geography ==
=== Location and borders ===
=== Topography, geology and hydrography ===
=== Environment ===
== Government and politics ==
''Main article: Politics of Aranthia''
=== Government ===
=== Counties ===
=== Foreign relations ===
=== Military ===
=== Law ===
== Economy ==
=== Overview ===
=== Tourism ===
=== Energy ===
=== Transport ===
=== Science and technology ===
== Demographics ==
=== Largest cities ===
=== Ethnic groups and species ===
=== Immigration ===
=== Language ===
=== Religion ===
=== Health ===
=== Education ===
== Culture ==
== See also ==
