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Casilló y Réal consists of nine Administrative Districts, which each have a limited authority to elect their own governments, legislatures, and administrators, and to organize their own budgets and resources. There is also one Special Administrative District which is smaller than the others, Salasca, containing the capital city of Eleçeron, and the Maritime District, which contains the various small islands inside the nations maritime borders. Each District is subordinate to the central government, as opposed to a confederation or united state system. Health and education, while maintained by Ministries, are generally left up to district governments based on their own needs and priorities. The smallest division of land is the municipality. The Royal Corric Guard functions as a federal-level police over each of the districts.
There is no official state religion in Casillo y Real; though much of the nation practices some form of Deusism, the government is avowedly secular and encourages religious freedom. The Constitutions technically ensures a secular state, but large portions of royal ceremony are couched in centuries-old Deusism tradition. This can be seen in the official language used in government communiques, the religious origins of the Chivalric Andoran Orders, and the coronation proceedings of monarchs.
=== Royal Cabinet ===
The executive branch consists of a twelve-member Royal Cabinet of Ministers, presided over by the Prime Minister and reigning Monarch. The Prime Minister is nominated from among the members of the Popular Assembly by their peers, and approved by the Monarch. They serve a six year term, and can be re-elected at the end of their term once. The Prime Minister appoints ambassadors, members of the Royal Cabinet, and a Second Minister as their deputy, again requisite to the approval of the Monarch and Popular Assembly.
