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Andora is a highly cultured nation with a heritage stretching back to the early 3rd Century BCE. It is an [[Enlightened Coast]] nation, defined by Andoran philosopher Erik Vael Hernandéz in 1799. Large portions of Andoran culture, like language, architecture, and agriculture, have derived from its start as an Impelanzan colony, providing its status as a significant Impelantic descendant state. Religion has also played a large part in Andoran development; [[Tunseism]] and [[Andoran Deusism|Deusism]], in particular, shaped many traditions and beliefs and are still practiced today across the country. Cuisine is one of the most prominent pillars of Andoran culture, influenced by the geographic region and the extensive trade network of the 17th and 18th centuries. This network allowed Andora to contact and absorb aspects of many international cultures. Several cultural sites are included on the [[ICHO]] heritage rolls.
Antora is a highly cultured nation with a heritage stretching back to the early 3rd Century BCE. It is an [[Enlightened Coast]] nation, defined by Antoran philosopher Erik Vael Hernandéz in 1799. Large portions of Antoran culture, like language, architecture, and agriculture, have derived from its start as an Impelanzan colony, providing its status as a significant Impelantic descendant state. Religion has also played a large part in Antoran development; [[Tunseism]] and [[Andoran Deusism|Deusism]], in particular, shaped many traditions and beliefs and are still practiced today across the country. Cuisine is one of the most prominent pillars of Antoran culture, influenced by the geographic region and the extensive trade network of the 17th and 18th centuries. This network allowed Antora to contact and absorb aspects of many international cultures. Several cultural sites are included on the [[ICHO]] heritage rolls.

=== Architecture ===
=== Architecture ===
[[File:Málaga centro historico.jpg|thumb|250x250px|Downtown Giroruña exemplifies a mix of ancient and modern Andoran buildings]]Andoran architecture draws from many heritages and influences. The humans from southern Arcturia that settled the Andora region brought the Impelantic architectural style. Almost all Andoran buildings from the early 1st Millenium are variations of these styles. The city of [[Porta Armada]] is the most prominent surviving example of Impelantic architecture in Andora. A derivative style, known as Andoran Impelantic, developed over the 4th Century. This style informed much of the aesthetic and proportional languages of later Andoran architecture. Hallmarks of traditional Andoran styles such as [ Deseré] include fired clay roofing, colorful window settings, and a washed stone exterior.
[[File:Málaga centro historico.jpg|thumb|250x250px|Downtown Giroruña exemplifies a mix of ancient and modern Antoran buildings]]Antoran architecture draws from many heritages and influences. The humans from southern Arcturia that settled the Antora region brought the Impelantic architectural style. Almost all Antoran buildings from the early 1st Millenium are variations of these styles. The city of [[Porta Armada]] is the most prominent surviving example of Impelantic architecture in Antora. A derivative style, known as Antoran Impelantic, developed over the 4th Century. This style informed much of the aesthetic and proportional languages of later Antoran architecture. Hallmarks of traditional Antoran styles such as [ Deseré] include fired clay roofing, colorful window settings, and a washed stone exterior.

Some styles in the northern regions incorporated ideas from the Nacatan architectural styles. In the 6th Century, the Vedra style became popular, combining Tunseist, Impelantic, and Nacatan architectural languages. The Vedra style combined traditional [ mosaics] and [ frescos] with patterned structures and decorative stonework to create intricate designs and optical effects. The style eventually gave rise to the NeoVedra school in the 14th Century. Cathedrals, castles, and monuments built by NeoVedra architects are considered some of the most important architectural heritage sites of northern Andora.
Some styles in the northern regions incorporated ideas from the Nacatan architectural styles. In the 6th Century, the Vedra style became popular, combining Tunseist, Impelantic, and Nacatan architectural languages. The Vedra style combined traditional [ mosaics] and [ frescos] with patterned structures and decorative stonework to create intricate designs and optical effects. The style eventually gave rise to the NeoVedra school in the 14th Century. Cathedrals, castles, and monuments built by NeoVedra architects are considered some of the most important architectural heritage sites of northern Antora.

Modern architecture and international standards blended with Andoran traditions to create the [ Corinteró] style in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Important architectural schools such as the Ganuá Academy are responsible for many landmarks in modern sections of Andoran cities in the Corinteró style. An ultramodernist style currently expanding within the country is the Tranquíla school, named for its emergence in Porta Tranquíla.
Modern architecture and international standards blended with Antoran traditions to create the [ Corinteró] style in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Important architectural schools such as the Ganuá Academy are responsible for many landmarks in modern sections of Antoran cities in the Corinteró style. An ultramodernist style currently expanding within the country is the Tranquíla school, named for its emergence in Porta Tranquíla.

=== Scripture ===
=== Scripture ===
[[Andoran Deusism]] scripture first was published in the mid-12th Century. It has since expanded to include many works of theology and doctrine. These works include the widely-known King Gael edition of the Book of Vult, also known as Gael's Tome. Other religious literature includes Chacel's 1388 ''The Eyes of Deus'', Goyisoto's 1431 ''Ruminations on the Theology of Andora'', and Lorca's ''1695 Deus and All Things''. Andoran scripture has influenced the legal sphere due to several archaic laws based on religious philosophy still being enforced. These include a prohibition on [ capital punishment] and persecution of other religions, with quotations in the law directly lifted from Gael's Tome.
[[Andoran Deusism]] scripture first was published in the mid-12th Century. It has since expanded to include many works of theology and doctrine. These works include the widely-known King Gael edition of the Book of Vult, also known as Gael's Tome. Other religious literature includes Chacel's 1388 ''The Eyes of Deus'', Goyisoto's 1431 ''Ruminations on the Theology of Antora'', and Lorca's ''1695 Deus and All Things''. Antoran scripture has influenced the legal sphere due to several archaic laws based on religious philosophy still being enforced. These include a prohibition on [ capital punishment] and persecution of other religions, with quotations in the law directly lifted from Gael's Tome.

While not considered by some theologists and literary scholars as doctrine, the famous 1711 work ''The Mind and Soul in Cooperation with the Spheres'' written by Juan Gamonéna is commonly considered a piece of scripture. Its subjects include the practical [ anthropological] relationships between belief systems and religions worldwide. In the second half of the book, Gamonéna posits that all people worship different aspects of the same deific force in theological terms, and all religions should therefore be treated as parts of a single spiritual whole. This argument has become a mainstream part of Andoran Deusism. Many practitioners have no exposure to the book but can detail most of its ideas.
While not considered by some theologists and literary scholars as doctrine, the famous 1711 work ''The Mind and Soul in Cooperation with the Spheres'' written by Juan Gamonéna is commonly considered a piece of scripture. Its subjects include the practical [ anthropological] relationships between belief systems and religions worldwide. In the second half of the book, Gamonéna posits that all people worship different aspects of the same deific force in theological terms, and all religions should therefore be treated as parts of a single spiritual whole. This argument has become a mainstream part of Antoran Deusism. Many practitioners have no exposure to the book but can detail most of its ideas.

=== Literature ===
=== Literature ===
[[File:Miguel de Unamuno Meurisse c 1925.JPG|thumb|250x250px|Jean Gabriel de la Crúz, Andoran author and philosipher, c. 1923]]Andoran literature is very diverse. The nation hosts many publishing houses and book vendors responsible for a large percentage of Impelantic translation prints and publishing in Novaris. There is a long history of the written word in Anodra; the first scripts recorded are carvings and scrollwork from the Impelanzan colonists in the Fourth Century. These detail aspects of everyday life and more prosaic subjects such as love, architecture, and religion.
[[File:Miguel de Unamuno Meurisse c 1925.JPG|thumb|250x250px|Jean Gabriel de la Crúz, Antoran author and philosipher, c. 1923]]Antoran literature is very diverse. The nation hosts many publishing houses and book vendors responsible for a large percentage of Impelantic translation prints and publishing in Novaris. There is a long history of the written word in Anodra; the first scripts recorded are carvings and scrollwork from the Impelanzan colonists in the Fourth Century. These detail aspects of everyday life and more prosaic subjects such as love, architecture, and religion.

Andoran authors created many remarkable works on chivalry and feudalistic society during the middle ages. Philosophical works such as de Cartevija's ''To Become an Ideal Cavalier (Convertirse en un Perfecto Caballero)'', and de Vries' ''Holy Actions of the Noble Man (Acciones Santas del Hombre Noble)'' remain popular volumes for anthropologists and scholars. At the same time, the fictional stories within ''The Great Deeds (Las Estupenda Hazañas)'' and ''Fifteen Virtues (Quince Virtudes)'' are widely regarded as classic examples of chivalric court prose.
Antoran authors created many remarkable works on chivalry and feudalistic society during the middle ages. Philosophical works such as de Cartevija's ''To Become an Ideal Cavalier (Convertirse en un Perfecto Caballero)'', and de Vries' ''Holy Actions of the Noble Man (Acciones Santas del Hombre Noble)'' remain popular volumes for anthropologists and scholars. At the same time, the fictional stories within ''The Great Deeds (Las Estupenda Hazañas)'' and ''Fifteen Virtues (Quince Virtudes)'' are widely regarded as classic examples of chivalric court prose.

Various military [ anthologies] were written between 1400 and 1700 by Andoran generals and admirals, and some remain standout texts used in formal strategic education. For example, the ''Total Sum of Warfare (Suma Total de la Guerra)'' by Generalissimo-Rege Victor is required reading at the Descarai Combat Academy.
Various military [ anthologies] were written between 1400 and 1700 by Antoran generals and admirals, and some remain standout texts used in formal strategic education. For example, the ''Total Sum of Warfare (Suma Total de la Guerra)'' by Generalissimo-Rege Victor is required reading at the Descarai Combat Academy.

During the Rennaisance of the Mind during the mid-1700s to mid-1800s, scholars produced a variety of works on geopolitics, society, philosophy, [ cognition], and theology. One important work from this period is Hernandéz's ''Nations Developing a Global Presence Through Waterborne Trade (Naciones que Desarrollan una Presencia Mundial a Través del Comercio Marítimo,)'' which popularized the idea of the [[Enlightened Coast]].
During the Rennaisance of the Mind during the mid-1700s to mid-1800s, scholars produced a variety of works on geopolitics, society, philosophy, [ cognition], and theology. One important work from this period is Hernandéz's ''Nations Developing a Global Presence Through Waterborne Trade (Naciones que Desarrollan una Presencia Mundial a Través del Comercio Marítimo,)'' which popularized the idea of the [[Enlightened Coast]].

Andora was the birthplace of several noteworthy authors during the Expression movement, including Jean Gabriel de la Crúz, writer of the Andoran Classic ''I, Myself, am Lost'' ''(Yo Mismo Estoy Perdido.)'' Other writers of this period include Xabier Valdovinos, Nahia Castillero, and Arlet Álvarez. Many works published by Expression authors are still sold today in many languages and form part of literature curriculums in Andoran schools.
Antora was the birthplace of several noteworthy authors during the Expression movement, including Jean Gabriel de la Crúz, writer of the Antoran Classic ''I, Myself, am Lost'' ''(Yo Mismo Estoy Perdido.)'' Other writers of this period include Xabier Valdovinos, Nahia Castillero, and Arlet Álvarez. Many works published by Expression authors are still sold today in many languages and form part of literature curriculums in Antoran schools.

The [[Andoran Union of Journalists]] handles most news publications and current events sources in Andora. Founded in 1871 with the popularization of broadsheet newspapers, the AUJ is a workers-rights, [ collective-bargaining], bias-prevention, and information distribution association that serves as an impartial publisher of Andoran news. The Union acts as a go-between for journalists and their editors and executives, as well as the publications and the Andoran government.
The [[Andoran Union of Journalists]] handles most news publications and current events sources in Antora. Founded in 1871 with the popularization of broadsheet newspapers, the AUJ is a workers-rights, [ collective-bargaining], bias-prevention, and information distribution association that serves as an impartial publisher of Antoran news. The Union acts as a go-between for journalists and their editors and executives, as well as the publications and the Antoran government.

[[File:OSEM tocando.jpg|thumb|250x250px|The Costa Tranquíla Philharmoic Orchestra performing in 2015]]
[[File:OSEM tocando.jpg|thumb|250x250px|The Costa Tranquíla Philharmoic Orchestra performing in 2015]]
Andoran music is varied and contains many elements and genres. Girogía is a Andoran style of music most often associated with the country. It is characterized by acoustic guitars and musical steps known as ''trestiempos'', but artists commonly combine this with other genres like orchestral arrangements and electronic music. Girogía has evolved from traditional southern Andoran folk music and remains popular primarily within that region. Other areas of the country have additional folk music heritage.
Antoran music is varied and contains many elements and genres. Girogía is a Antoran style of music most often associated with the country. It is characterized by acoustic guitars and musical steps known as ''trestiempos'', but artists commonly combine this with other genres like orchestral arrangements and electronic music. Girogía has evolved from traditional southern Antoran folk music and remains popular primarily within that region. Other areas of the country have additional folk music heritage.

Andora has produced many highly-regarded musicians including the classical composers Brais Valverde, Youssef Domínguez, and Aida Ferreira, as well as contemporary orchestral artists Ana Belen Tarragona and Juan Carlos Gálvez. Andoran singers including Iago Criado, Ana Belen Morata, Maialen, and Alejandro Cueva are popular internationally and are prominent domestic celebrities. The Andoran music community is vibrant, with genres such as metal, pop, hip hop, and rock professionally represented. The nation hosts the bi-annual musical festival Amor Electrico which showcases new and established artists in the techno and dance music scene.
Antora has produced many highly-regarded musicians including the classical composers Brais Valverde, Youssef Domínguez, and Aida Ferreira, as well as contemporary orchestral artists Ana Belen Tarragona and Juan Carlos Gálvez. Antoran singers including Iago Criado, Ana Belen Morata, Maialen, and Alejandro Cueva are popular internationally and are prominent domestic celebrities. The Antoran music community is vibrant, with genres such as metal, pop, hip hop, and rock professionally represented. The nation hosts the bi-annual musical festival Amor Electrico which showcases new and established artists in the techno and dance music scene.

There are more than twenty-five professional orchestras in the country. These include the Royal Andoran Armed Services Pageant Band, the Royal Orchestra of House Naranza-Carratéo, and the Costa Tranquíla Philharmonic Orchestra. Traditional musical entertainment such as opera and musical theater are popular, though they have diminished recently. Andora is credited to have popularized the technique of ''punctuacíon triple'', in which a musical piece will be scored three times with traditional instruments, vocals, and electronic instruments to harmonize together.
There are more than twenty-five professional orchestras in the country. These include the Royal Antoran Armed Services Pageant Band, the Royal Orchestra of House Naranza-Carratéo, and the Costa Tranquíla Philharmonic Orchestra. Traditional musical entertainment such as opera and musical theater are popular, though they have diminished recently. Antora is credited to have popularized the technique of ''punctuacíon triple'', in which a musical piece will be scored three times with traditional instruments, vocals, and electronic instruments to harmonize together.

=== Cinema ===
=== Cinema ===
Andoran cinema is a small but thriving industry. Pictures that have achieved significant acclaim include ''The Fireflies'' and ''All Men of Honor''. The Royal Andoran Cinema Society manages the promotion and advancement of the cinematic arts and sciences and presents the Mañue Awards annually to important contributors to these subjects. Directors and producers that are internationally known include Cristian Caballero, Brais Peña, Maria Del Mar Jiménez, Mario Santolaria, Yanira Rivera, and Juan Carlos Tarragona. The film industry in Andora is known for its wide use of [ practical effects] and commitment to authenticity. Among the notable practical effects films is ''Eighteen Souls and a Prayer'', a war film that used functioning airplanes and live ammunition for several scenes.
Antoran cinema is a small but thriving industry. Pictures that have achieved significant acclaim include ''The Fireflies'' and ''All Men of Honor''. The Royal Antoran Cinema Society manages the promotion and advancement of the cinematic arts and sciences and presents the Mañue Awards annually to important contributors to these subjects. Directors and producers that are internationally known include Cristian Caballero, Brais Peña, Maria Del Mar Jiménez, Mario Santolaria, Yanira Rivera, and Juan Carlos Tarragona. The film industry in Antora is known for its wide use of [ practical effects] and commitment to authenticity. Among the notable practical effects films is ''Eighteen Souls and a Prayer'', a war film that used functioning airplanes and live ammunition for several scenes.

Andoran actors often attend the Julinazo Film Academy to acquire method and language skills. Famous actors who have appeared in critically acclaimed and varied roles like Gema Ávila, Ian Batanero, Juan Antonio Coll, and Laia Valladares are alumni of the Film Academy. In 2011, King Sebastián II knighted actor Luis Miguel Herrera as a Knight-Sergeant of Andora for his 'critical service in bringing the vibrancy and chivalry of Andoran culture to the international community.' Herrera's roles in films based on Andoran folk tales and Andoran history are widely regarded as both engaging and historically accurate.
Antoran actors often attend the Julinazo Film Academy to acquire method and language skills. Famous actors who have appeared in critically acclaimed and varied roles like Gema Ávila, Ian Batanero, Juan Antonio Coll, and Laia Valladares are alumni of the Film Academy. In 2011, King Sebastián II knighted actor Luis Miguel Herrera as a Knight-Sergeant of Antora for his 'critical service in bringing the vibrancy and chivalry of Antoran culture to the international community.' Herrera's roles in films based on Antoran folk tales and Antoran history are widely regarded as both engaging and historically accurate.

[[File:CorricSportKnight.jpg|thumb|250x250px|A HAMA jousting competitor at the Cartevija Hastilidium]]
[[File:CorricSportKnight.jpg|thumb|250x250px|A HAMA jousting competitor at the Cartevija Hastilidium]]
Andora is a highly athletic state, though it does not have as many competitive sports teams as other nations. The most popular sport in the country is [ football], with practice ranging from national-level sponsored teams to neighborhood games between children. This sport originated from abroad and became popular in a primitive form in the late 1800s. Andoran football teams are respectable if average on the international field. Notably, no Andoran team has ever won the World Cup, and many years do not qualify. Regardless of this, it remains the most-participated and watched sport for its athletic benefits and entertainment value.
Antora is a highly athletic state, though it does not have as many competitive sports teams as other nations. The most popular sport in the country is [ football], with practice ranging from national-level sponsored teams to neighborhood games between children. This sport originated from abroad and became popular in a primitive form in the late 1800s. Antoran football teams are respectable if average on the international field. Notably, no Antoran team has ever won the World Cup, and many years do not qualify. Regardless of this, it remains the most-participated and watched sport for its athletic benefits and entertainment value.

Native to the country is the Tournament of Saint Marta, the global championship for Historical Armoured Martial Arts. Andora is considered the birthplace of modern competitive [ HAMA], having kept the practice alive within the culture of knighthood and chivalry that still permeates the nation. Each Duchy, County, and Barony in the country has a HAMA team, called Companies, using the arms of their province as team colors. Andoran HAMA tournaments can consist of individual entrant events or team-based competitions. The competitions are known as [ hastiludes] and include quintain, jousting, passes of arms, melee, mounted and foot archery, and wrestling. The stadiums for this sport, taking their name from the competitions, are called Hastilidiums. The Tournament of Saint Marta itself is a triathlon of jousting, wrestling, and melee. The Administrative Board of Armoured Martial Arts, the international oversight body for HAMA, is headquartered in Eleçeron.
Native to the country is the Tournament of Saint Marta, the global championship for Historical Armoured Martial Arts. Antora is considered the birthplace of modern competitive [ HAMA], having kept the practice alive within the culture of knighthood and chivalry that still permeates the nation. Each Duchy, County, and Barony in the country has a HAMA team, called Companies, using the arms of their province as team colors. Antoran HAMA tournaments can consist of individual entrant events or team-based competitions. The competitions are known as [ hastiludes] and include quintain, jousting, passes of arms, melee, mounted and foot archery, and wrestling. The stadiums for this sport, taking their name from the competitions, are called Hastilidiums. The Tournament of Saint Marta itself is a triathlon of jousting, wrestling, and melee. The Administrative Board of Armoured Martial Arts, the international oversight body for HAMA, is headquartered in Eleçeron.

Horse-racing is popular in Andora and exists in its unique practice. While the typical races of thoroughbreds exist, the Andoran style evolved from a tradition of evaluating [ warhorses]. These competitions feature conditions more akin to motorbike races or cross-country rallies. Horses bred for Andoran horse-racing exemplify the qualities of destriers, being high of the shoulder, powerfully muscled, and thick-legged. Speed is not as valued as endurance and strength. It is common practice for champion racehorses to be retired after four wins, after which they become breeding studs or are bought by HAMA athletes for jousting.
Horse-racing is popular in Antora and exists in its unique practice. While the typical races of thoroughbreds exist, the Antoran style evolved from a tradition of evaluating [ warhorses]. These competitions feature conditions more akin to motorbike races or cross-country rallies. Horses bred for Antoran horse-racing exemplify the qualities of destriers, being high of the shoulder, powerfully muscled, and thick-legged. Speed is not as valued as endurance and strength. It is common practice for champion racehorses to be retired after four wins, after which they become breeding studs or are bought by HAMA athletes for jousting.

Other popular sports in Andora are rugby, tennis, various forms of regional handball, golf, swimming, marathons, and [ stock] and [ rally] car racing. The nation's automotive industry is well-regarded for its ability to engineer rugged and powerful racecars that find use in many international competitions by native and foreign drivers.
Other popular sports in Antora are rugby, tennis, various forms of regional handball, golf, swimming, marathons, and [ stock] and [ rally] car racing. The nation's automotive industry is well-regarded for its ability to engineer rugged and powerful racecars that find use in many international competitions by native and foreign drivers.

===Cuisine ===
===Cuisine ===
[[File:Tuna Steak, Bee's Steak and Shake, Sleman, Yogyakarta.jpg|thumb|250x250px|A dish of ''atún con paxas'' cooked on a traditional hotplate]]
[[File:Tuna Steak, Bee's Steak and Shake, Sleman, Yogyakarta.jpg|thumb|250x250px|A dish of ''atún con paxas'' cooked on a traditional hotplate]]
Andoran cuisine draws heavily on the geography and culture of the Andora region and is known for heavy use of vegetable and fruit products and flavorings alongside traditional spices. Principal ingredients are influenced by availability, with seafood and fish being more common coastally and heavier meats available inland. Andoran people widely recognize four distinct categories of cuisine:
Antoran cuisine draws heavily on the geography and culture of the Antora region and is known for heavy use of vegetable and fruit products and flavorings alongside traditional spices. Principal ingredients are influenced by availability, with seafood and fish being more common coastally and heavier meats available inland. Antoran people widely recognize four distinct categories of cuisine:

'''Northern''' cuisine is considered those traditional foods from the northern coast and northeast inland region. It makes heavy use of seafood, found in roasted and fried dishes, hot and cold soups, and eaten raw. It also uses fruit as a seasoning and complementary ingredient, such as ''pirta'' (lemon rice.) A traditional delicacy of Northern cuisine is ''atún con paxas'' (slow-grilled steak tuna on baby pax fruits fried in olive oil) on a bed of ''pirta'' with a side of asparagus, mushrooms, and figs.
'''Northern''' cuisine is considered those traditional foods from the northern coast and northeast inland region. It makes heavy use of seafood, found in roasted and fried dishes, hot and cold soups, and eaten raw. It also uses fruit as a seasoning and complementary ingredient, such as ''pirta'' (lemon rice.) A traditional delicacy of Northern cuisine is ''atún con paxas'' (slow-grilled steak tuna on baby pax fruits fried in olive oil) on a bed of ''pirta'' with a side of asparagus, mushrooms, and figs.
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'''Southern''' cuisine comes from the southern coast and parts of the southern inland region. While seafood is still an integral part of the dishes, baked goods, vegetables, and poultry are also prominent. In addition, Southern cuisine is known for its desserts, including pies, pastries, and honey-dipped candies. Dishes commonly considered Southern staples include ''pecuedé'' (salted fish with vegetables, usually spinach and tomato, and blue cheese on sour bread) and ''encuéras'' (thick pastries with a honey glaze and jellied fruit preserves inside.)
'''Southern''' cuisine comes from the southern coast and parts of the southern inland region. While seafood is still an integral part of the dishes, baked goods, vegetables, and poultry are also prominent. In addition, Southern cuisine is known for its desserts, including pies, pastries, and honey-dipped candies. Dishes commonly considered Southern staples include ''pecuedé'' (salted fish with vegetables, usually spinach and tomato, and blue cheese on sour bread) and ''encuéras'' (thick pastries with a honey glaze and jellied fruit preserves inside.)

'''Valley''' cuisine developed in central Andora's river valleys and farming communities and involves heavy use of milk, cheese, beef, and goat meat alongside vegetables and various rich spices. Valley regions produce foods with long shelf lives like ''jámon valé'' (smoked, salted, and spiced bacon) and ''curín'' cheese. A traditional peasant dish that has evolved into a fixture of Andoran culture, ''guinzio'' (creamy tomato soup with bacon, served with rye bread and olive oil) and its many variations are considered Valley cuisine.
'''Valley''' cuisine developed in central Antora’s river valleys and farming communities and involves heavy use of milk, cheese, beef, and goat meat alongside vegetables and various rich spices. Valley regions produce foods with long shelf lives like ''jámon valé'' (smoked, salted, and spiced bacon) and ''curín'' cheese. A traditional peasant dish that has evolved into a fixture of Antoran culture, ''guinzio'' (creamy tomato soup with bacon, served with rye bread and olive oil) and its many variations are considered Valley cuisine.

'''Upland''' cuisine is a smaller but distinct category that comes from the western portions of inland Andora. Due to the dryer climate, Uplands food focuses heavily on ingredients such as wheat, olives, figs, maize, and mutton. Bread products, fig preserves, and dipping sauces from the western regions are well known for their use in communal events and sharable platters. ''Cordero con maízturo'' (roasted lamb legs with oregano and mustard, served on corn and crispbread) is an Upland delicacy.
'''Upland''' cuisine is a smaller but distinct category that comes from the western portions of inland Antora. Due to the dryer climate, Uplands food focuses heavily on ingredients such as wheat, olives, figs, maize, and mutton. Bread products, fig preserves, and dipping sauces from the western regions are well known for their use in communal events and sharable platters. ''Cordero con maízturo'' (roasted lamb legs with oregano and mustard, served on corn and crispbread) is an Upland delicacy.

=== Festivals ===
=== Festivals ===
The Andoran culture places heavy importance on celebrating. It is seen as an acceptance of the events of life and a celebration of achievement when people gather for holidays and festivals. Certain festivals are viewed as essential to good luck, and those that do not participate are seen with varying degrees of pity and suspicion. There are nearly 130 different national holidays, each with its customs and traditions, with 60 of those also having government-mandated moratoriums on working for most, and triple overtime for essential workers. The Monarch retains the power to, on the advice of the Royal Cabinet, declare certain days to be work-free holidays on a temporary or permanent basis. The government maintains its secular policymaking stance but allows work holidays for religious groups that make up at least 1% of the population.
The Antoran culture places heavy importance on celebrating. It is seen as an acceptance of the events of life and a celebration of achievement when people gather for holidays and festivals. Certain festivals are viewed as essential to good luck, and those that do not participate are seen with varying degrees of pity and suspicion. There are nearly 130 different national holidays, each with its customs and traditions, with 60 of those also having government-mandated moratoriums on working for most, and triple overtime for essential workers. The Monarch retains the power to, on the advice of the Royal Cabinet, declare certain days to be work-free holidays on a temporary or permanent basis. The government maintains its secular policymaking stance but allows work holidays for religious groups that make up at least 1% of the population.

Many Andoran festivals are times when private family gathers are observed, but major events can draw crowds upwards of ten thousand. There are several renowned Andoran festivals that are celebrated worldwide by the Andoran diaspora.
Many Antoran festivals are times when private family gathers are observed, but major events can draw crowds upwards of ten thousand. There are several renowned Antoran festivals that are celebrated worldwide by the Antoran diaspora.

=====La Fiesta de Santo Abrosius=====
=====La Fiesta de Santo Abrosius=====
[[File:Badge of the Order of Alcantara.svg|thumb|200x200px|The Cross of Saint Abrosius]]
[[File:Badge of the Order of Alcantara.svg|thumb|200x200px|The Cross of Saint Abrosius]]
The Fiesta de Santo Abrosius is the [ feast day] of the patron saint of Andora, who lived near 1240 CE, and the most prominent religious holiday in the country. The festivities begin the second Friday in May and typically last until the following Monday, though certain parts of the nation can see them end on Wednesday. The holiday traditions include paper decorations either chained together or pattern-cut from long reams, as well as ringed candles, the iconography of Saint Abrosius, and incense, if affordable. The colors of Saint Abrosius are green and white and permeate almost every decoration. This has earned the holiday the appellation "La Verde y Blanco." The Fiesta de Santo Abrosius follows a four-day pattern that mirrors the life of the Saint. The first day involves small family gatherings and sharing stories and traditional Andoran peasant food. The second sees families travel around their neighborhoods and towns exchanging stories and handmade gifts. The third is a national celebration, with large crowds, music, communal cooking, and events held by churches. The fourth and last day is less active, a somber day dedicated to absent or dead family.
The Fiesta de Santo Abrosius is the [ feast day] of the patron saint of Antora, who lived near 1240 CE, and the most prominent religious holiday in the country. The festivities begin the second Friday in May and typically last until the following Monday, though certain parts of the nation can see them end on Wednesday. The holiday traditions include paper decorations either chained together or pattern-cut from long reams, as well as ringed candles, the iconography of Saint Abrosius, and incense, if affordable. The colors of Saint Abrosius are green and white and permeate almost every decoration. This has earned the holiday the appellation "La Verde y Blanco." The Fiesta de Santo Abrosius follows a four-day pattern that mirrors the life of the Saint. The first day involves small family gatherings and sharing stories and traditional Antoran peasant food. The second sees families travel around their neighborhoods and towns exchanging stories and handmade gifts. The third is a national celebration, with large crowds, music, communal cooking, and events held by churches. The fourth and last day is less active, a somber day dedicated to absent or dead family.

Elements of the Andoran diaspora also celebrate this holiday. Depending on community size, festivities can range from a floor of an apartment building, a street, or even entire sections of town. The largest Andoran community outside the nation is in Volscina, followed by Packilvania. These see moderately sized celebrations that are quite similar in scale and scope to their homeland. The Fiesta de Santo Abrosius' good cheer, inclusivity, and gift-giving contribute to the acceptance of Andoran immigrants in many nations.
Elements of the Antoran diaspora also celebrate this holiday. Depending on community size, festivities can range from a floor of an apartment building, a street, or even entire sections of town. The largest Antoran community outside the nation is in Volscina, followed by Packilvania. These see moderately sized celebrations that are quite similar in scale and scope to their homeland. The Fiesta de Santo Abrosius' good cheer, inclusivity, and gift-giving contribute to the acceptance of Antoran immigrants in many nations.
==== Harvestide ====
==== Harvestide ====
Harvestide is an amalgamated holiday from Andoran Deusism, Tunseism, Andoran history, and international sources. The festivities fall on the 20th of November. Historically, this is when the summer harvest taxes were due in the Kingdom of Avantana. The king would give out rewards to his loyal lords by tradition, in acknowledgment of their fealty and the work of their people. These traditions evolved into more elaborate celebrations of the collective efforts of the common folk and the cultural bonds of the Andoran people. Lords would invite their noble subjects to a feast on tax day, where they would provide gifts and entertainment in times of plenty and a meal and camaraderie in times of hardship. The first son of a lord would traditionally entertain his father's pledged nobles, while his father would attend the feast of his liege. On the lowest rung of nobility, the sons of Viscounts would invite prominent members of the ''heredad'' to a feast, usually wealthy merchants and knights. All ''heredads'' would provide some generosity to the peasantry, usually in free drinks or meals at a local business. As the influences of Deusism became more widespread, the clergy saw the celebration of community effort that the Tax Feast involved. The Church recognized the similarities in the holiday to their values on equality and acknowledging all contributions to society.
Harvestide is an amalgamated holiday from Antoran Deusism, Tunseism, Antoran history, and international sources. The festivities fall on the 20th of November. Historically, this is when the summer harvest taxes were due in the Kingdom of Avantana. The king would give out rewards to his loyal lords by tradition, in acknowledgment of their fealty and the work of their people. These traditions evolved into more elaborate celebrations of the collective efforts of the common folk and the cultural bonds of the Antoran people. Lords would invite their noble subjects to a feast on tax day, where they would provide gifts and entertainment in times of plenty and a meal and camaraderie in times of hardship. The first son of a lord would traditionally entertain his father's pledged nobles, while his father would attend the feast of his liege. On the lowest rung of nobility, the sons of Viscounts would invite prominent members of the ''heredad'' to a feast, usually wealthy merchants and knights. All ''heredads'' would provide some generosity to the peasantry, usually in free drinks or meals at a local business. As the influences of Deusism became more widespread, the clergy saw the celebration of community effort that the Tax Feast involved. The Church recognized the similarities in the holiday to their values on equality and acknowledging all contributions to society.

In the mid-1400s, the Tax Feast became a mixture of political, social, and religious celebration and would soon be renamed Harvestide by the Church. Due to donations, the Andoran Deus Church subsidized the celebrations for the common people. Farmers and craftspeople received a wooden tally chit for their taxes, which had several uses. They could show it at inns and taverns for free meals, which the Church would reimburse for the establishment, or they could exchange it in return for being sent seed and supply for the winter harvest. The Church would also provide sermons and blessings at gatherings of the nobility, which often focused on thanks-giving and the appreciation of the efforts of the working class. In addition, more prominent religious institutes such as cathedrals and monasteries hosted "Street Feasts" for the impoverished. Harvestide also coincided with settling debts, the shipment of goods, and a rest period after a summer of work. These elements combined, and the holiday became what it is in the modern period.
In the mid-1400s, the Tax Feast became a mixture of political, social, and religious celebration and would soon be renamed Harvestide by the Church. Due to donations, the Antoran Deus Church subsidized the celebrations for the common people. Farmers and craftspeople received a wooden tally chit for their taxes, which had several uses. They could show it at inns and taverns for free meals, which the Church would reimburse for the establishment, or they could exchange it in return for being sent seed and supply for the winter harvest. The Church would also provide sermons and blessings at gatherings of the nobility, which often focused on thanks-giving and the appreciation of the efforts of the working class. In addition, more prominent religious institutes such as cathedrals and monasteries hosted "Street Feasts" for the impoverished. Harvestide also coincided with settling debts, the shipment of goods, and a rest period after a summer of work. These elements combined, and the holiday became what it is in the modern period.

Modern Harvestide takes place from noon on the 20th of November to sunset on the 21st, beginning with the submission of tax forms in a pseudo-celebration of patriotism called ''la gran sumisión.'' The tradition of giving gifts and charity still survives, and it is common for employers to provide employees with raises, tokens of appreciation, and food. The nobility will still invite their most prominent taxpayers and subordinate lords to day-long parties. At or around sunset on the 20th, the traditional meal of ''Trabajo del Verano'' will be eaten. This meal consists of foods customarily associated with the Andoran summer harvest, such as fruit, olives, corn, chickens, and cows, made into various pies, stews, sauces, and baked dishes. Following the meal, a grand procession to the nearest Church or holy site will occur, where people will sign hymns of appreciation for the food and family they have. At the end of these hymns, the presiding clergy member will read aloud notable accomplishments by community members. People are encouraged to contribute things they are thankful for, as well. Once completed, this ''monstrado'' will disperse back to homes to catch the Archbishop and Monarch broadcasts on radio and television at 9 pm. The Archbishop will read a list of extraordinary accomplishments over the summer and autumn by Corric citizens. The Monarch will read a list of international events that contributed to peace, moral righteousness, and cooperation. The festivities end with a light dessert, and the entire day of the 21st is free and unplanned so people can relax however they wish.
Modern Harvestide takes place from noon on the 20th of November to sunset on the 21st, beginning with the submission of tax forms in a pseudo-celebration of patriotism called ''la gran sumisión.'' The tradition of giving gifts and charity still survives, and it is common for employers to provide employees with raises, tokens of appreciation, and food. The nobility will still invite their most prominent taxpayers and subordinate lords to day-long parties. At or around sunset on the 20th, the traditional meal of ''Trabajo del Verano'' will be eaten. This meal consists of foods customarily associated with the Antoran summer harvest, such as fruit, olives, corn, chickens, and cows, made into various pies, stews, sauces, and baked dishes. Following the meal, a grand procession to the nearest Church or holy site will occur, where people will sign hymns of appreciation for the food and family they have. At the end of these hymns, the presiding clergy member will read aloud notable accomplishments by community members. People are encouraged to contribute things they are thankful for, as well. Once completed, this ''monstrado'' will disperse back to homes to catch the Archbishop and Monarch broadcasts on radio and television at 9 pm. The Archbishop will read a list of extraordinary accomplishments over the summer and autumn by Corric citizens. The Monarch will read a list of international events that contributed to peace, moral righteousness, and cooperation. The festivities end with a light dessert, and the entire day of the 21st is free and unplanned so people can relax however they wish.

==== Corric Tax Day ====
==== Corric Tax Day ====
An associated holiday to Harvestide is Corric Tax Day, on the 22nd of November. The government and Church will provide free meals and gifts to the Royal Andoran Ministry of Taxation workers, who have to sort through a backlog of millions of tax forms submitted two days prior. Employees can pull as much overtime as they want and are excused from work for at least two days once they complete their assigned docket of paperwork. In addition, specific neighborhoods near Royal Taxation Ministry offices will prepare meals and drinks to deliver to their local office.
An associated holiday to Harvestide is Corric Tax Day, on the 22nd of November. The government and Church will provide free meals and gifts to the Royal Antoran Ministry of Taxation workers, who have to sort through a backlog of millions of tax forms submitted two days prior. Employees can pull as much overtime as they want and are excused from work for at least two days once they complete their assigned docket of paperwork. In addition, specific neighborhoods near Royal Taxation Ministry offices will prepare meals and drinks to deliver to their local office.

==See Also==
==See Also==