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The highest point is Montabuelo in the Vizedora District, at 2,189 meters above sea level.
Antora lies between 39° and 46° North and 68° and 75° West.[[File:PN des Pyrénées.jpg|thumb|200px220x220px|The Mardías Valley in the Rezores|alt=The Mardías Valley in the Rezores. A rocky, narrow valley with high craggy mountains on either side. Sparse brownish grass and conifer trees are the primary vegetation. The valley is split by a dark stream that appears to be very shallow and filled with sediment. The sky is bright and has large fluffy clouds. ]]
=== Mountains and Rivers ===
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== Politics ==
The history of [ democracy] in Antora traces its roots to the First Constitution of 1659. This provided the basis for popular representation and codified law based on the people’s will instead of the feudal [ absolute monarchy] before it. In 1710, a Second Constitution was drafted under Prime Minister Carlos Sánchez. This document drew heavily on the first but laid out the basis of the Antoran state and government much more accurately. Both documents are considered as legal authority in Antora; the First Constitution lays out a basisframework that the Second expands upon.
[[File:View of Morro da Se from Jardim do Morro.jpg|thumb|200px220x220px|The Assembly Halls building, where the national legislature meets|alt=The Assembly Halls building, where the national legislature meets. Situated on top of a steep hill, on the slopes of which are small residential buildings with brick sides and terracotta tile roofs, is a large stately building. It is seven stories tall and about eight stories long, and has several gardens and smaller buildings directly attached to it. These buildings are also in the style of whitewashed walls and terracotta roofs.]]Antora is divided into eleven [ districts]; ten Administrative Districts, one Special District, and the Maritime District.
The tradition of noble titles and lands associated with them remains active in Antora. However, the Second Constitution clearly outlines that the expanse of these traditions is limited compared to the nation's governance. There also exists a culture of ''nobleza obliga'', also known as ''[ noblesse oblige]'' or ‘nobility obliges’ which requires those of noble descent, but generally anyone with authority, to conduct themselves with good character and to use their position to benefit others who are less fortunate.
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The Ministry of Popular Assembly (''Ministro de Asamblea Popular)'' is the [ legislative] branch of the Antoran government. It is separated into the upper House of the Nobility and the lower House of the Populace. There are 220 Representatives in the House of the Populace, one for every Province and major (above 100,000 residents) Municipality. The House of the Nobility, meanwhile, elects 20 Bailiffs, two from each District save Salasca, and the remaining 180 Lords are hereditary positions. However, both Bailiffs and Lords are peerage members and have the same privileges. The Representatives serve for three-year [ terms], Bailiffs for eight, and Lords for life. The Popular Assembly is headed by the Minister of the Popular Assembly, who nominates one Representative and one Bailiff to serve as the Mediator of their respective Houses for the duration of their terms. The Minister of the Popular Assembly has a seat on the Royal Cabinet. However, their role is mainly ceremonial as they have no administrative control over the happenings of the Assembly.
The Popular Assembly votes on [ laws] and [ acts] proposed by its members and holds control over prioritizing the [ national budget]. The House of the Populace vote on proposed actions of the Royal Cabinet if such measures are budgetary. The House of the Nobility votes on actions if they are military or foreign policy related. In return, the laws and acts passed by the Assembly must receive Royal Assent to become legal, though refusal of Royal Assent on a given document can be circumvented by a four-fifths majority vote of both Houses. The House of the Nobility may override a vote made by the House of the Populace with a three-fifths majority and vice versa. Extant in both Houses are Boards that are responsible for areas of government mirroring that of the Royal Ministries, and work together with them on policy. [ Committees] may also be formed by the Mediators of the Houses to investigate and address specific issues.[[File:CorricParliament.svg|thumb|200x200px220x220px|2023 House of the Populace makeup|alt=2023 House of the Populace makeup. There are 220 dots in a semicircular arch, displaying from left to right the largest to smallest political parties in the parliament.]]The Popular Assembly confirms executive appointments, including judges and First Ministers. The Prime Minister is elected from the House of the Populace, and all First Ministers must have served in either house to qualify for the position. The Assembly also has the power to dismiss any Prime or First Minister with a [ unanimous] vote of no confidence. Similarly, with a unanimous vote of both Houses and the Royal Cabinet, the Monarch may be deposed in favor of another member of the Royal Family.
The major [ parties] of the Assembly are the Chivalric Caucus (CC,) the Antora Progress Party (APP,) and the Environmental Stewards (ES.) These three parties are broadly liberal-leaning and always form a [ coalition] together, which is known as the Antoran Liberal Pact. The CLP has controlled the House of the Populace for the past forty years, receiving the majority of seats each election. The Honorable Action Caucus (HAC,) the largest party in the 1900s, has recovered from its decline over the past 40 years in the 2022 election, winning 29 seats to become the second largest individual party in the Assembly. Many credit this with the reforms brought on by [[Astolfo de Naranza-Carratéo]] and Francisco Javier de Ferreira in exposing a Royalist coup plot. Another party to benefit from these events was the Feudalist Front (FF) which gained two seats and a large deal of public support for their centralist and militarist views against treason. Less important minor parties include the communist National Unity Party (NUP,) the economically-driven Coastal Prosperity Front (CPF,) the [ secessionist] Island Freedom Caucus (IFC,) the culturally-focused Antoran Heritage Party (AHP,) the Anti-Monarchists (AM,) and the local-interest Reformed Cátras Party (RCP.)
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=== Military ===
[[File:Dia de las fuerzas armadas en Logroño, 2018.jpg|thumb|200px220x220px|Members of the Royal Antoran Armed Legions on parade in 2015|alt=Members of the Royal Corric Armed Legions on parade in 2015. In the foreground is a short woman in a formal military tunic, green and made of cotton. It has a black belt and a black cross-shoulder strap, buckled in gold. The undershirt is very light blue and has a black tie tucked under the jacket. She is wearing white silk gloves and carrying a cavalry saber in her right hand, which rests against her shoulder. Her hat is short and cylindrical like a fez, and has a rear-protruding portion. It appears to be smooth and reflective, possible plastic. In the background are four lines of men in the same uniform carrying bolt action rifles with wooden stocks and bayonets against their left shoulders. All are serious looking. There are many more soldiers visible but cut off on either side of the picture.]]
The military of Antora is the [[Royal Antoran Defense Forces]] (''Fuerza de Defensa de Antora Réal''.) The commander-in-chief is the Monarch, currently Sebastián II. Next in line is the Prime Minister, and then the First Minister of the Armed Services. The FDAR is administrated by the General Staff Offices, with the bureaus of the Ministry of the Armed Services serving auxiliary roles, including developing the capabilities and doctrine to defend the nation against more powerful militaries. This has led to investments in advanced missile interception systems, interceptor aircraft, capable multirole warships, and hardened artillery networks. The FDAR are integrated on a strategic level with the militaries of [[Mirhaime Federation|Mirhaime]], Sarvimaa, and [[Volscina]] as part of the INTRA defense pact, and maintains nuclear strike capability via Volscine-owned warheads.
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[[File:Wind turbines Sierra de la Oliva 03.JPG|thumb|200x200px220x220px|Wind turbine facility in rural Castevija|alt=Wind turbine facility in rural Castevija. Several rolling hills covered in trees have a few dozen large wind turbines on the tops of them. There is a small collecion of buildings at the base of one hill that appear to be electrical transformers. There are no other signs of human life.]]
Antora produces the majority of its energy (31.5%, or around 58,000 GWh,) from power sources that are generally renewable or else non-damaging to the environment. These include massive Tavari-built [ solar farm]s, wind turbines on land and offshore, noninvasive [ hydroelectric] power, and some amounts of geothermal. While not the largest electricity producer in Novaris, the nation regularly exceeds its [ grid demand] and can sell the excess to other nations. A further 28% of the energy produced is from [ biomass] energy plants, while 20% is generated by coal plants and 14% by natural gas. The final 7% is made up of various other methods, including [ nuclear] and petroleum.
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[[File:OSEM tocando.jpg|thumb|250x250px|The Costa Tranquíla Philharmoic Orchestra performing in 2015]]
Antoran music is varied and contains many elements and genres. ''Girogía'' is athe Antoranmost famous style of musicAntoran most oftenfolk associated with the countrymusic. It is characterized by acoustic guitars and musical steps known as ''trestiempos'', but artists commonly combine this with other genres like orchestral arrangements and electronic music. ''Girogía'' has evolved from traditional southern Antoran folk music and remainsenjoys popularthe primarilymost withinpopularity thatin the south, but can be found throughout the regionnation. OtherThe areasdistinct regions and districts of the country have additional folk music heritage that is unique to them.
Antora has produced many highly-regarded musicians including the classical composers Brais Valverde, Youssef Domínguez, and Aida Ferreira, as well as contemporary orchestral artists Ana Belen Tarragona and Juan Carlos Gálvez. Antoran singers including Iago Criado, Ana Belen Morata, Maialen, and Alejandro Cueva are popular internationally and are prominent domestic celebrities. The Antoran music communityindustry is vibrant, with genres such as metal, pop, hip hop, and rock professionally represented. The nation hosts the bi-annual musical festival Amor Electrico which showcases new and established artists in the techno and dance music scene.
There are more than twenty-five professional orchestras in the country. These include the Royal Antoran Armed Services Pageant Band, the Royal Orchestra of House Naranza-Carratéo, and the Costa Tranquíla Philharmonic Orchestra. Traditional musical entertainment such as opera and musical theater are popular, though they have diminished recently. Antora is credited to have popularized the technique of ''punctuacíon triple'', in which a musical piece will be scored three times with traditional instruments, vocals, and electronic instruments to harmonize together.
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Many Antoran festivals are times when private family gathers are observed, but major events can draw crowds upwards of ten thousand. There are several renowned Antoran festivals that are celebrated worldwide by the Antoran diaspora.
===== La Fiesta de Santo Abrosius= ====
[[File:Badge of the Order of Alcantara.svg|thumb|200x200px|The Cross of Saint Abrosius]]
The Fiesta de Santo Abrosius is the [ feast day] of the patron saint of Antora, who lived near 1240 CE, and the most prominent religious holiday in the country. The festivities begin the second Friday in May and typically last until the following Monday, though certain parts of the nation can see them end on Wednesday. The holiday traditions include paper decorations either chained together or pattern-cut from long reams, as well as ringed candles, the iconography of Saint Abrosius, and incense, if affordable. The colors of Saint Abrosius are green and white and permeate almost every decoration. This has earned the holiday the appellation "''La Verde y Blanco''." The Fiesta de Santo Abrosius follows a four-day pattern that mirrors the life of the Saint. The first day involves small family gatherings and sharing stories and traditional Antoran peasant food. The second sees families travel around their neighborhoods and towns exchanging stories and handmade gifts. The third is a national celebration, with large crowds, music, communal cooking, and events held by churches. The fourth and last day is less active, a somber day dedicated to absent or dead family.
Elements of the Antoran diaspora also celebrate this holiday. Depending on community size, festivities can range from a floor of an apartment building, a street, or even entire sections of town. The largest Antoran community outside the nation is in Volscina, followed by Packilvania. These see moderately sized celebrations that are quite similar in scale and scope to their homeland. The Fiesta de Santo Abrosius' good cheer, inclusivity, and gift-giving contribute to the acceptance of Antoran immigrants in many nations.
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Modern Harvestide takes place from noon on the 20th of November to sunset on the 21st, beginning with the submission of tax forms in a pseudo-celebration of patriotism called ''la gran sumisión.'' The tradition of giving gifts and charity still survives, and it is common for employers to provide employees with raises, tokens of appreciation, and food. The nobility will still invite their most prominent taxpayers and subordinate lords to day-long parties. At or around sunset on the 20th, the traditional meal of ''Trabajo del Verano'' will be eaten. This meal consists of foods customarily associated with the Antoran summer harvest, such as fruit, olives, corn, chickens, and cows, made into various pies, stews, sauces, and baked dishes. Following the meal, a grand procession to the nearest Church or holy site will occur, where people will sign hymns of appreciation for the food and family they have. At the end of these hymns, the presiding clergy member will read aloud notable accomplishments by community members. People are encouraged to contribute things they are thankful for, as well. Once completed, this ''monstrado'' will disperse back to homes to catch the Archbishop and Monarch broadcasts on radio and television at 9 pm. The Archbishop will read a list of extraordinary accomplishments over the summer and autumn by Corric citizens. The Monarch will read a list of international events that contributed to peace, moral righteousness, and cooperation. The festivities end with a light dessert, and the entire day of the 21st is free and unplanned so people can relax however they wish.
==== Festival of Honor ====
==== Corric Tax Day ====
