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[[File:Dia de las fuerzas armadas en Logroño, 2018.jpg|thumb|200px|Members of the Royal Corric Armed Legions on parade in 2015|alt=Members of the Royal Corric Armed Legions on parade in 2015. In the foreground is a short woman in a formal military tunic, green and made of cotton. It has a black belt and a black cross-shoulder strap, buckled in gold. The undershirt is very light blue and has a black tie tucked under the jacket. She is wearing white silk gloves and carrying a cavalry saber in her right hand, which rests against her shoulder. Her hat is short and cylindrical like a fez, and has a rear-protruding portion. It appears to be smooth and reflective, possible plastic. In the background are four lines of men in the same uniform carrying bolt action rifles with wooden stocks and bayonets against their left shoulders. All are serious looking. There are many more soldiers visible but cut off on either side of the picture.]]
The military of Casilló y Réal is the [[Royal Corric Defense Forces]] (''Fuerza de Defensa de Corric Réal''.) The commander-in-chief is the Monarch, currently Sebastián II. Next in line is the Prime Minister, and then the First Minister of the Armed Services. The FDCR is administrated by the General Staff Offices, with the bureaus of the Ministry of the Armed Services serving an auxiliary role. The FDCR focuses on developing the capabilities and doctrine to defend the nation against much larger foes. This has led to investments in advanced missile interception systems, interceptor aircraft, capable multirole warships, and hardened artillery networks.
The branches of the FDCR are:
* The [[Royal Corric Armed Legions]] (''Legiones Armas de Corric Réal'')
* The [[Royal Corric Armada]] (''Armada de Corric Réal'')
* The [[Royal Corric Air Cavalry]] (''Caballería Aérea de Corric Réal'')
* The Royal Corric Guard (''Guarda de Réal de Corrí'')
Previously, conscription was mandatory, but it was downgraded to universal basic training in 2005. All Corric citizens upon reaching 17 years of age must report to the nearest Royal Corric Guard office and sign up for Emergency Reserve Training, a six-week course on basic military and survival skills. There are three reserve groups: the Defense Reserve Guard, for semi-active and recently retired members of the military populace, the Emergency Wartime Reserve for those of good physical fitness and between 18 and 40 years of age, and the Emergency Support Reserve for those between 41 and 65 years of age.
While previously conscription was mandatory, it was downgraded to universal basic training in 2005.
== Demographics ==