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The '''Constitutional Corric Kingdom of Casilló and Réal''' <small>(Corric: ''Reino Corric Constitucional de Casilló y Réal'')</small> is a country located on the south-eastern portion of [[Novaris]]. It is bordered to the south and east by the [[Concordian Ocean]] and by [[Nacata]] to the north and Tedeschi to the west. Casilló y Réal is a united post-feudal state, which consolidated into one nation four hundred and thirty years ago from the Kingdom of Casilló and the Kingdom of Réal. With a combined national history going back almost 1800 years, Casilló y Réal is a cultural and vacation destination for many around the world. The territory, though largely peaceful now, has been fought over between the former feudal states for much of the time they existed.
The first inhabitants were the Andora people, aan sectoffshoot of the [[South_Peragen#Ancient_history|Impelanzans]]. They settled the region of Novaris that now bears their name, and founded many towns and cities still standing in modern times. The Andora eventually split into the Reóran and Arranzic ethnic groups, whichwho settled in Réal and Casilló respectively. These groups ruled over neighboring territory and feuded for nearly 600 years over sole control. Conflicts during this period include the Invasion of Valle de María, the War of the Red River, and the Sieges of Eleçeron.
FiveIn hundred years ago1584, the Kingdom of Réal was conquered after the Thirty-Years’ Bloodshed, also known as the Conquísta. A brutal war instigated by King Félipe I ‘the Bloody’ of Casilló, most of the populations of both states was involved in the fighting. This saw mostMost of the adult members of the House of Carrateó, rulers of Réal, were slain, and the military dominanceHouse of theNaranza Arranzic people forbecame the area.rulers Thoughof amost martialof victory for Casilló,Andora. tensionsTensions remained high and the economy of the region suffered as banditsrural scourgedpopulations previously-patrolledbecame countrysidesprey for mercenaries and thebandits. commonThe Réoran people ofrefused Réalto eitheracknowledge riotingthe orconquerers refusingas totheir paylegitimate taxesrulers. A rebellion was narrowly avoided when King Félipe IIbetrothed his son to whatthe theysurviving sawdaughter asof aHouse foreignCarreteó occupier.
The situation looked to devolve into war once more within a generation or two until King Félipe II, upon his father’s passing, betrothed his son to the surviving daughter of House Carreteó. The two youths became friends as they grew up in the Arranzic court, defying mosts expectations. King Félipe III of the House of Naranza married Alicia II 'the Younger' of the House of Carreteó the same day he was coronated. This marriage, and the measures his father took to address the Reóran peoples’ distress, allowed Félipe III to truly rule over a united country of both Arranzic and Reóran cultures for the first time in history. With the combination of the two states after several years of legal work and persuasion of the nobility, the Kingdom of Corrí was officially founded in 1628. The astronomic talents of Reóran scholars were combined with the nautical capabilities of Arranzic sailors, producing a thriving and wide-ranging trade fleet. Corric merchants traded the mineral and agricultural wealth of their nation in exchange for foreign crops and scientific knowledge.
Most of the profit generated from trade went to the already-wealthy merchants, nobles, and royals. The wealth inequality led to discontent culminating in the common populace rising up andin demanding1658 thatin thepeaceful revolution. The Kingdompeople adoptdemanded a constitution that provided checks on the Monarchs' power, diminished the legal authority of the nobility, and codified values such as the concept of citizenship, civil rights, taxation, and elective governance. King Juan Teo agreed to reform the demandsgovernment after some resistance and committedagainst the restadvice of his reign to reforming the government systems to better accommodate the common citizensnobility. His ideals were influential enough that his grandsonson King Luca IV reorganized the territory of the kingdom into nine districts, in order to ensure that locals had adequate municipal and regional governance and to streamline the census. The legal and economic reforms of this period saw the Kingdom emerge stronger, with a larger tax base and more patriotic populace lending themselves to an increase in infrastructure projects, military growth, and industry expansion.
In the centuries following, the astronomic talents of Reóran scholars were able to be combined with the nautical capabilities of Arranzic sailors, producing a thriving and wide-ranging trade fleet. Corric merchants traded the mineral and agricultural wealth of their nation in exchange for foreign crops, scientific methods and devices, and advances in military technology like gunpowder. Most of the profit generated from trade went to the already-wealthy merchants, nobles, and royals.
NearIn 1783, the endKingdom of theCorrí century,was Queenrenamed Alejandrato madeCasilló they decisionRéal toby renameQueen the KingdomAlejandra to acknowledgereflect the nations'united but distinct heritagescultures andof ethnicitiesthe nation. This establishedThroughout the Kingdomninteenth of Casilló y Réalcentury, though the national demonym remains Corric. Casilló y Réalcountry transitioned from a primarily agricultural economy to a mixed economy in this period. Modern methods of resource extraction and manufacturing allowed fallow areas of the nation to begin producing economically. The foodstuff and raw material exports are joined by farming equipment, chemicals, natural gas, defense equipment, railroad material, andexportable automobilesgoods. The impact of fossil fuels on the natural environment was researched heavily as coal and oil use rose; as a legal article within the constitution prohibits excessive destruction or harm of the nations' naturalland. lands,Petroleum automobiles, trains, and aircraftuse became strictly regulated by the state. This stance has prohibited Casilló y Réal from becoming a major power militarily, economically, or industrially, but it remains a prosperous nation with good marks in human development, GDP per capita, democracy, press freedoms, and social and environmental progress. The nation is currently a member of the [[League of Novaris|League of Novaris.]]
The wealth inequality led to discontent culminating in the common populace rising up and demanding that the Kingdom adopt a constitution that provided checks on the Monarchs' power, diminished the legal authority of the nobility, and codified values such as the concept of citizenship, civil rights, taxation, and elective governance. King Juan Teo agreed to the demands after some resistance and committed the rest of his reign to reforming the government systems to better accommodate the common citizens. His ideals were influential enough that his grandson King Luca IV reorganized the territory of the kingdom into nine districts, in order to ensure that locals had adequate municipal and regional governance and to streamline the census. The legal and economic reforms of this period saw the Kingdom emerge stronger, with a larger tax base and more patriotic populace lending themselves to an increase in infrastructure projects, military growth, and industry expansion.
Near the end of the century, Queen Alejandra made the decision to rename the Kingdom to acknowledge the nations' distinct heritages and ethnicities. This established the Kingdom of Casilló y Réal, though the national demonym remains Corric. Casilló y Réal transitioned from a primarily agricultural economy to a mixed economy in this period. Modern methods of resource extraction and manufacturing allowed fallow areas of the nation to begin producing economically. The foodstuff and raw material exports are joined by farming equipment, chemicals, natural gas, defense equipment, railroad material, and automobiles. The impact of fossil fuels on the natural environment was researched heavily as coal and oil use rose; as a legal article within the constitution prohibits excessive destruction or harm of the nations' natural lands, automobiles, trains, and aircraft became strictly regulated by the state. This stance has prohibited Casilló y Réal from becoming a major power militarily, economically, or industrially, but it remains a prosperous nation with good marks in human development, GDP per capita, democracy, press freedoms, and social and environmental progress. The nation is currently a member of the [[League of Novaris|League of Novaris.]]
== Etymology ==
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=== Réal ===
[[File:Eleanor of Aquitaine.jpg|left|thumb|200x200px|Queen Maria Platia de Carratéo, founder of Réal|alt=Queen Maria Platia de Carratéo, founder of Réal, depicted here as a woman in a pink robe and a blue cloak, with brown hair and fair skin and a gold crown, riding a grey horse barded with red and yellow. ]]
Réal's name was chosen by Queen Maria Platia de Carratéo, its first monarch. The historian and scholar Escobo de la Noncerivero (1241 - 1280) wrote in his memoirs of travelling the region and staying in the courts of nobles. He had a long conversation with Queen Maria Platia de Carratéo on the matter of the naming of her lands:
''‘I enquired to her [Grace] the thought that planted in her head the name of her fair and mountainous heredad, cut through with rivers and bedecked with so many orchards. Her response was accompanied with a laugh, so charming as did I nearly mishear; “Good sir, the valleys and hills and mountains that I rule by providence of these good and noble gentlemen have been always a prize worthy of royal stewardship. It is only right and fair to the people that live here I give it a name to reflect this.’''
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de la Noncerivero details that the original name of Réal was ''Valey di Rayal'', meaning ‘valleys of Royalty.’ The modern name would first start to be used approximately 250 years later.
The demonym of Reóran, referring to peoples of an ethnicity and culture native to Réal, can be found in the same work, related to the now-disused word ''reon'', meaning ‘defender.’ Queen Maria Platia de Carrateó was a strong military mind, and instilled in her nobles and by extension peasantry that defense of their homeland was of paramount importance.
[[File:Sancho III de Navarra - Compendio de crónicas de reyes (Biblioteca Nacional de España).png|left|thumb|269x269px|King Arturo Gael Andres de Naranza, founder of Casilló|alt=King Arturo Gael Andres de Naranza, founder of Casilló, here depicted as a brown-bearded man in a red robe and green cloak, sitting in a throne of orange and gold below gold arches, and holding a golden rod and orb]]
=== Casilló ===
Casillós’ name roughly means ‘house of rest’, reflecting the idea of the people being able to recuperate from banditry and tyranny. The coastal regions that made up historical Casilló were constantly plagued by lords abusing their vassals and raids from coastal pirates. When the various petty-kings of the region were defeated and their lands united under King Arturo Gael Andres de Naranza, his court scribe recorded him saying:
Casilló's name was similarly chosen by its first monarch, King Arturo Gael Andres de Naranza. When the various petty-kings of the region were defeated and their lands united under King Arturo, his court scribe recorded him saying:
''‘...And further my friends, let me declare now the formation and consecration under God the Father the Kingdom of Caziyho, for now we have thrown down the tyrants of the little castle and large cruelty, and our purview extends from our silver coasts to the azure rivers and black mountains. We have brought peace and God to these lands; made a home for our sons and their sons to grow oranges and wheat, and raise cows and horses.’''
Casillós’ name roughly means ‘house of rest’, reflecting the idea of the people being able to recuperate from banditry and tyranny. The coastal regions that made up historical Casilló were constantly plagued by lords abusing their vassals and raids from coastal pirates. Similar to Réal, the name of the kingdom would evolve over centuries to Casilló.
The Arranzic culture takes its name from the House of Naranza, the ruling family since the foundation of the nation. Thanks to the stability, and lower taxes, brought by King Arturo, the many towns and villages in his lands traded and blended ideals into the modern-day Arranzic people.
=== Modern ===
When Réal was absorbed into Casilló, the ethnic and cultural makeups of the two began to blend. Modern Casilló y Réal has a majority population of Corric people, a mixture of Reóran and Arranzic traits. The name Corrí has no definite known origin, as any thoughts on the matter remain in King Félipe III’s or Queen Alicia II’s memoirs, which are locked by royal decree.
When Réal was absorbedconquered intoby Casilló, the ethnic and cultural makeups of the two began to blend. Modern Casilló y Réal has a majority population of Corric people, a mixture of Reóran and Arranzic traits. TheThis namedemoynm Corrícomes hasfrom nothe definiteKingdom knownof originCorrí, aswhich anywas thoughtsestablished onafter the mattertwo remainkingdoms in King Félipe III’s or Queen Alicia II’s memoirs, which are locked bywere royallegally decreeconsolidated.
Some scholars believe it has roots in the words ''correr'', to move, shift, pass by, get a move on, ''corregir'', to correct or make right, or ''corazón'', heart. It is known that the Queen desired that the united kingdom possess a united identity rather than be occupying and occupied territories. Theories point to certain public speeches and decrees by both her and her husband the King as to the origin of the name being ''corazón'', though other theories point to other speeches and ''corregir'' instead.
The name Corrí has no definite known origin, as any thoughts on the matter remain in King Félipe III’s or Queen Alicia II’s memoirs, which are locked by royal decree. Some scholars believe it has roots in the words ''correr'', to move, shift, pass by, get a move on, ''corregir'', to correct or make right, or ''corazón'', heart. It is known that the Queen desired that the united kingdom possess a united identity rather than be occupying and occupied territories. Theories point to certain public speeches and decrees by both her and her husband the King as to the origin of the name being ''corazón'', though other theories point to other speeches and ''corregir'' instead.
== History ==
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=== Early History ===
The land that Casilló y Réal occupies today is referred to geographically as Andora. ArcheologicalThe recordsregions showtakes that this was theits name offrom thea group of ImpalanzansImpalenzans that settled the area prior to 303 BCE. Many towns, fortifications, and cities today were constructed in this period, of note [[Porta Armada]]. Small city-states were the norm for much of Andora from 303 BCE to 109309 CE. The people made their livings through either simple agriculture, textiles, or fishing. The Andora people eventually moved inland, forming the Réoran people. Those that contnued to occupy the coasts became the Arranzic ethnic group.
After 109309 CE, written and archeological records detail that the varied people of Andora began to cooperate and form larger polities, resulting in the period between 348 CE and 1215 CE being referred to as the Principality Era. The region was broken up into a number of petty kingdoms and other feudal states.
The largest and most powerful Andoran states were Avantana, Cartavedra, Réaluvros, Grejona, Imodé, Liti, Málama, Marsalvano, and Pinoa. These polities are reflected in the modern day, with the nine administrative divisions of Casilló y Réal roughly mirroring their borders. Cities such as Iravala and Covielés were founded during the Principality era. Increased urbanization also brought a stratification of the populace, more advanced metallurgy, and more organized navies for trade and warfare.
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=== Music ===
Corric music is varied and contains many elements and genres. Girogía is a Corric style of music most-often associated with the country. It is characterised by acoustic guitars and musical steps known as trestiempos, but has often been incorporated into other genres like orchestral arrangements and electronic music. Girogía has evolved from traditional southern Andoran folk music and remains popular mostly within that region. Other areas of the country have their own folk music heritage.
Casilló y Réal has produced many highly-regarded musicians including the classical composers x, x, and x, as well as contemporary orchestral artists x and x. Corric singers including x, x, x, and x are popular internationally and are popular domestic celebrities. The Corric music community is vibrant, with genres such as metal, pop, hip hop, and rock all being professionally represented. The nation hosts the bi-annual musical festival Amor Electrico which showcases new and established artists in the techno and dance music scene.
There are more than twenty-five professional orchestras in the country. These include the Royal Corric Armed Services Pageant Band, the Royal Orchestra of House Naranza-Carratéo, and the Costa Tranquíla Philharmoic Orchestra. Traditional musical entertainment such as opera and musical theater are practiced, though they have diminished in recent years. Casilló y Réal is credited to have popularized the technique of punctuacíon triple, in which a musical piece will be scored three times with traditional instruments, vocals, and electronic instruments to harmonize together.
=== Cinema ===
