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The origins of the names Casilló and Réal are directly related to the words casa and réal, meaning home and royal. The modern spellings have evolved from the traditional, but the pronunciation has stayed the same: the two kingdoms were referred to as Caziyho and Rayal. There are several accounts and histories detailing the origins, primarily from recovered documents.
=== Réal ===
The historian and scholar Escobo de la Noncerivero wrote in his memoirs of travelling the region and staying in the courts of nobles:
[[File:Eleanor of Aquitaine.jpg|left|thumb|200x200px|Queen Maria Platia de Carratéo, founder of Réal]]
The historian and scholar Escobo de la Noncerivero wrote in his memoirs of travelling the region and staying in the courts of nobles. He had a long conversation with Queen Maria Platia de Carratéo on the matter of the naming of her lands:
''‘I enquired to her [Grace] the thought that planted in her head the name of her fair and mountainous heredad, cut through with rivers and bedecked with so many orchards. Her response was accompanied with a laugh, so charming as did I nearly mishear; “Good sir, the valleys and hills and mountains that I rule by providence of these good and noble gentlemen have been always a prize worthy of royal stewardship. It is only right and fair to the people that live here I give it a name to reflect this.’''
de la Noncerivero details that the original name of Réal was ''Valey di Rayal'', meaning ‘valleys of Royalty.’ The modern name would first start to be used approximately 250 years later.
The descriptor of Reóran, referring to peoples of an ethnicity and culture native to Réal, can be found in the same work, related to the now-disused word ''reon'', meaning ‘defender.’ Queen Maria Platia de CarreteóCarrateó was a strong military mind, and instilled in her nobles and by extension peasantry that defense of their homeland was of paramount importance.
[[File:Sancho III de Navarra - Compendio de crónicas de reyes (Biblioteca Nacional de España).png|left|thumb|269x269px|King Arturo Gael Andres de Naranza, founder of Casilló]]
=== Casilló ===
Casillós’ name roughly means ‘house of rest’, reflecting the idea of the people being able to recuperate from banditry and tyranny. The coastal regions that made up historical Casilló were constantly plagued by lords abusing their vassals and raids from coastal pirates. When the various petty-kings of the region were defeated and their lands united under King Arturo Gael Andres de Naranza, his court scribe recorded him saying:
''‘...And further my friends, let me declare now the formation and consecration under God the Father the Kingdom of Caziyho, for now we have thrown down the tyrants of the little castle and large cruelty, and our purview extends from our silver coasts to the azure rivers and black mountains. We have brought peace and God to these lands; made a home for our sons and their sons to grow oranges and wheat, and raise cows and horses.’''
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The Arranzic culture takes its name from the House of Naranza, the ruling family since the foundation of the nation. Thanks to the stability, and lower taxes, brought by King Arturo, the many towns and villages in his lands traded and blended ideals into the modern-day Arranzic people.
=== Modern ===
When Réal was absorbed into Casilló, the ethnic and cultural makeups of the two began to blend. Modern Casilló y Réal has a majority population of Corric people, a mixture of Reóran and Arranzic traits. The name Corrí has no definite known origin, as any thoughts on the matter remain in King Félipe III’s or Queen Alicia II’s memoirs, which are locked by royal decree.
Some scholars believe it has roots in the words ''correr'', to move, shift, pass by, get a move on, ''corregir'', to correct or make right, or ''corazón'', heart. It is known that the Queen desired that the united kingdom possess a united identity rather than be occupying and occupied territories. Theories point to certain public speeches and decrees by both her and her husband the King as to the origin of the name being ''corazón'', though other theories point to other speeches and ''corregir'' instead.
== History ==
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Culminating in the Battle of Pinoa, the Avantan forces proved better trained and skilled than their adversaries when they trapped the Pinoan army against the city walls and decimated them. The new nation that de Naranza carved out would become known as Caza de Caziyho, and his line would rule over it as it transitioned to simply Caziyho, and by the modern day, Casilló.
The states of Cartaverde, Eleuvros, Imodé, and Mársalvano, making up much of the inland mountains and arid plains of Andora, would base a large part of their wars around the control of the fertile river valleys in the area. These conflicts became violent enough to render much of the civil and agricultural infrastructure useless. Nobility from the five states met in secret in 1257, planning to acclaim a single king in order to stop the constant fighting. After months of deliberation, Condessa Maria Platia de CarreteóCarrateó was elevated to the Queen of the Mountains, Rivers, and Valleys.
Maria’s grasp of military tactics and the support of many powerful families ensured she met little resistance as she consolidated Cartaverde, Eleuvros, Imodé, and Málama into a single kingdom. Most nobles were pacified through hard diplomacy and the threat of war, and those that did not submit were quickly destroyed. By 1260, Maria would rule over the Kingdom of Valey di Rayal. This name would appear on official documentation until 1388, when it simply became Rayal, later spelled Réal.
