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(→‎Conquista: Added Cryrian influence)
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In Réal, King Marius Sancho created the Chivalric Order of Eleçeron in 1563. This Order was open to all who displayed good bearing, love of the Kingdom, and skill at arms. The smaller population of Réal and their history of warrior queens meant that membership was not restricted by gender. Many notable knights of this Order throughout the Conquista, including Jaquelin of Santo Juan and the Blue Knight, were women. In Casilló, King Félipe created the Chivalric Order of Málama and the Chivalric Order of Santa Claudia. The Order of Málama was founded as a way to enoble commoners who displayed the means to equip and maintain the lifestyle of a knight, in order to have competent commanders for frontier and conquered garrisons. The knights who joined this order are referred to as 'Knight-Mayors,' or more derogatorily as 'Muddy Knights.' This Order did prove effective despite its detractors, with several successful defenses of Arranzic territory credited to Knight-Mayors. The Order of Santa Claudia was established as an all-women order of knights with the authority to marshal small militias in their home territories. Primarily founded as a means of rear-line defense against raids, the women of the Order gained a reputation as fierce fighters and authority figures. The Militia of Conzelaña, for example, was officially made the Twenty-Ninth Royal Irregulars Company for their skill and bravery under the command of Marta Lilía of Conzelaña.
The conflict saw involvement from large numbers of mercenaries hired by both nations. Réal retained several large pike companies from the areas of what is today Celannica, and hired coastal raiders from several coastal Novaris states. Casilló hired large numbers of Cryrian sell-sails, which operated on raids up the major rivers into Réoran territory and helped defend the coast. The cultural impacts of these companies can be seen across Andora. The shipbuilding techniques of the Cryrians heavily influenced later Corric ship designs. Some mercenaries decided to settle in Andora after their contracts concluded. Today, significant populations of Corric people can trace some ancestry back to Cryria and Celannica.
== Politics ==
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Casilló y Réal is divided into eleven districts; nine Administrative Districts, one Special Administrative District, and the Maritime District.
The tradition of noble titles and lands associated with them remains active in Casilló y Réal, but the Second Constitution clearly outlines that the expanse of these traditions is limited when compared to the governance of the nation. There also exists a culture of ''nobleza obliga'', also known as ''noblesse oblige'' or ‘nobility obliges’ which requires those of noble descent, but generally anyone with authority, to conduct themselves with good character and to use their position to benefit others who are less fortunate.
There is no official state religion in Casilló y Réal; though much of the nation practices some form of Deusism, the government is avowedly secular and encourages religious freedom. The Constitutions technically ensures a secular state, but large portions of royal ceremony are couched in centuries-old Deusism tradition. This can be seen in the official language used in government communiques, the religious origins of the Chivalric Andoran Orders, and the coronation proceedings of monarchs.