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== Geographical Variation ==
Anti-Akuanism reported by the [[Association of the Servants of Akua]] in 2018, has been increasing across the world, after the election of FPM [[Jeanne Pierre]] of the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]]. The most recent attack motivated by Anti-Akuanism being [[Red Crown Terrorist Attack]], and one of the better examples of Neo Anti-Akuanism. As [[Bjørn dynasty]] is one of the 'Big Three' influential Akuan families, unofficial head of the [[Akuan Development Bank]] and several other Akuan institutions. Neo Anti-Akuanists on [[Pigeon]], spread propaganda about the event stating it was for the Bjørn family's businesses and Anti-Monarchism rather than being primarily motivated by Anti-Akuanism. Various Anti-Akuanism slogans and euphemisms have been on the rise in recent years, especially within [[Concord]] more precise in [[South Hills]], with Neo Anti-Akuanism focusing on coding the language to be towards FPM [[Jeanne Pierre]] double-so after the [[Ymirland Civil War]]. Anti-Akuanism has risen in [[Gondwana]], after the recent formation and entry of [[Ny'Natrotomi]] into the [[Red Crown Economic Union|RCEU]]. In [[Novaris]] Neo Anti-Akuanism focus on [[Ymirland]] joining the [[Red Crown Economic Union|RCEU]], as a source for their cover though traditional Anti-Akuanism and Neo Anti-Akuanism is still being targeted towards [[Aikthudr'zhur]] heavily as well as [[Kuovälsna]]. [[Borea]], despite being the original homeland for [[Akuanism]] is heavily afflicted by Anti-Akuanism in particularly [[Blaskog]] during the [[Syrtænzna Dissolution War]] and as a on-going trend. [Aurora stuff]. [Yasteria stuff[.
=== Aurora ===
Administrators, verified
