Almodarian Work with WMD's and Nuclear Energy: Difference between revisions

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== Chemical Weapons and the National Center for Chemical Weapons ==
[[File:ChemicalWeaponSuit.jpg|thumb|The Prototype GL-3 Gas Suit with a "Gas Thrower" aka a mobile gas launcher.]]
[[File:Alexei Nikolevna.jpg|thumb|Alexander Nikolevna (1896-1978) was a Major General and head of the NCCW Military Operations Wing until 1967.]]
Chemical Weapons have been around since 1886 when Skavarian Chemist Milos Kumerova, demonstrated the use of Mustard Gas as a weapon. Mustard Gas became the main Chemical used in weapons. The first use of Chemical Weapons by Almodarian peoples occurred on April 9th, 1890, during the Skavari-Aranistani border clashes of 1890 and would continue to be used in other small conflicts with the five nations.
