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==== The Brzina Brothers ====
'''Victor Brzina (1870-1967) and Morgan Brzina (1870-1959)''' were born twins in the Tuvarian city of Vosvonia in 1870. They grew up in the final era of slow technological growth before the start of the new Technological Era. Victor was an extrovert and a great businessman; Morgan was a loner and an engineering savvy and the two had a dream to make it big during a highly lucrative moment in history. In 1895, the two brothers left their childhood home and moved their business to the capital of Tuvaria: Tuvaria. They were able to purchase a small storefront under the title '''''Brzina Brothers Co.''''' where they found practically no business. They had no real sales pitch they started out making watches which made the two some good money, then they moved to small appliances which found less popularity. This would be how it was until 1906 when Morgan made a design for something that had never been seen in Almodaria: an engine. The engine was relatively simple it was made up of a simple motor which was hooked up to the wall through a cable using the power supply from the house electrics, a gallon canister of water was used to cool the engine and would be hidden inside the casing amongst other things. Victor disapproved of the venture since there was no existing market for a motor engine but Morgan resisted and spent the next year constructing an engine.
===== Morgan and the Engine =====
Morgan as expected had many issues with his design. He was missing components which were (after revisions) necessary for the engine to run instead of exploding in his face. The combustion chamber needed to be redesigned, and he needed to engineer pistons into the engine to keep the motor running without power supply. Morgan would spend the rest of 1906 into 1907 making revisions for the engine. While this was going on, Victor was the sole person keeping their business running and the lights on which put strain on their relationship but nonetheless, Morgan continued day and night to get this to work. In 1907, Morgan went to an open field with his new engine prototype with Victor to do test runs without causing collateral damage in a failure. The engine was hooked up to a liter of gasoline which would be lit with a match to start combustion in the engine.
The two set up their experiment and morgan went to make the spark that would begin their experiment. Hooked up to a battery, Morgan charged up the engine and...there was a noise...a clunk to be exact. There was a clunk and then silence and after about 5 seconds of silence there was a sputter and a pop, and the pistons slowly began to move. Just before either of the brothers could celebrate, one of the starboard pistons with a loud pop, were blown out of the socket and shot into the tree above. Quickly, the combustion was stopped, and power was cut. The first run was a success and that was good enough for Morgan, however, the pessimistic Victor believed that this was a waste of materials that could instead be used for other ventures like watches, but Morgan was ready to continue.
In 1909, Morgan made another prototype which was much less volatile. By now, the two had gotten a lot of publicity for their "Magic Motor" which was still thought to be a feat of the imagination to go faster than a horse. Test two occurred where test one did only two years prior. Like last time, there was sputter and pop and then it crackled to life slowly this time since Morgan limited the throttle much more to prevent an overpressure and explosion. The engine ran for 6 seconds before sputtering and shutting down once again. Morgan was starting to prove that his motor could work and for the next four years he worked to complete the engine.
By 1913, the two had evolved quite a lot. Their business was booming, their stocks were rising, and Morgan completed the next prototype engine. This one had a large exhaust, 2 cylinders, and if it were to be on wheels it could reach a top of 12 miles per hour. Morgan returned to his test site and repeated his testing process and unlike the past two there was no sputter, crackle, nor a pop and it rose in pitch as he accelerated. The sound could be heard from the capital with some thinking it was military training and others thinking it was incoming lightning but to their surprise it was the Model 3 engine. The success was all over the newspaper the next day and investors were coming to the brothers with proposals for business. The two began work on a frame based on the already existing frame of carriages with a steel frame to hold the hefty engine up.
In 1914, the Brzina Motor Powered Carriage was presented to the public. It was an amazing feat that these two brothers could pull off such a feat of engineering in a country that has been known for copying other countries yet somehow they did it.
== Etymology ==
